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Round is

Ibon Linacisoro, Director15/05/2006
They want us to believe that the kitchen is something very important in our lives. The list of the 50 best restaurant in the world, according to the Publisher William Reed, is headed by El Bulli, Ferran Adrià's restaurant. In addition, among the top ten there are other two Spanish restaurants: Arzak and Mugaritz. Admittedly, enjoy a good meal is very pleasant, but hence to admit that the famous restoration is part of what holds our existence, there is still a small step. We are now with the edible plastic. With refined maize flour and water we do thin pancakes which are used to wrap, as if it were plastic, any food and serve it as a gift.

Let's say, please, a little bit of seriousness. That the important values can not be managed between rings. Do of you'll see eating such value? It may be, because in this world there are people for everything, some do so put on that pedestal, but if we are sensible, if we lower the feet to land and believe in the of where we come from and where we are going, gentlemen, the football here is unmatched. See but the reaction of the city of Barcelona to win the League team. Can you imagine something similar for a good meal? Some lentils not us rise our seat! Football is what we rounded up the week, when Sunday after Sunday we give to the transistor or the awkward TV dissimulation, according to the company at that time. There is no childbirth without pain, or Sunday without transistor. Round is the object of our passions and more now, with a world ahead, at least before the close of this Edition, where plastics will demonstrated its importance in our lives. Those balls of leather which they absorbed water and hindered the football already ended. For some time, multinationals plastics now tackle football with the importance it deserves and engaged in the development of a ball corresponding efforts. The ball of this world and the peculiar way of producing it, that we will explain in this magazine soon, do not but support the theory of football as a pillar of our human condition. These days all dresses in football. Airports Germans already one month before the world, had green carpets with areas and points of penalty in the area of "check-in" and it is difficult to get rid of the ball if one goes to a trade fair at Germany.

Redonda is the land, which houses a business round called football, where a round object is treated with the feet and not so much with the head, to round off the feeling that if eating is important, the football knows to put us on our site.

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