
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Antes tuerta que chinchilla

Earlier eyed to chinchilla

Ibon Linacisoro, Director15/04/2005
A one-eyed Spain? It may not be so bad. The industry is suffering. Suffers from the "manufacturing" (by the way, read the article on e-manufacturing of page 63) and we tend proud to the society's services. Fortunately, in the country of the talent we can always continue making girls that agglutinate the freely bandied about and Spanish folklore that has given us so much success. In a Europe without industry Spain will be the Queen. It will be the eyed in the country of the blind, will emerge from its burrow and will of chinchilla, of hidden rodent in its Burrow, eyed cheerful and talkative, always ready to welcome a party.

There is a clear concern in all industries not only in our country but also in Europe. The famous relocation and the overwhelming strength of other countries so far in the dock, are plunging Europe into a degree of understandable concern. Is it true that in a still distant future no one will manufacture already in Europe? Actually, not think possible a dramatic situation, because there are many factors that determine such picture. Spanish industry, is this possible or not, has in its hands the possibility to defend himself, pondering its values, its well-known flexibility and ability to keep winning in the binomial price/quality, with many other Europeans. Effort and possibly much ability to understand where they should move are requirements for a depressed industry. If not, there is always a plan B. The Spain of the chirigota, folklore and the bull sometimes seems that we promote, or better, that they encourage from some entities. And plan B, gentlemen, this really master it. All together, in a sad Europe, to the tune of the "earlier eyed to chinchilla, Oh to chinchilla, ay to chinchilla".

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