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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Strato administra ya más de 50.000 servidores en sus centros de datos

Strato Administers already more than 50.000 servers in his centres of data


10 October 2012

Since last September, data centers of high performance of Strato, second European web hosting provider, host and manage over 50,000 servers. In this way, the company has increased its number of servers by 25% in a year. "Excellent quality at excellent prices. That's the formula for our success,"declares Christian Böing, CEO of Strato. "We are proud of the good reception given among our customers." Strato bet by prestige in their server hardware and comprehensive features packages.

Therefore, your servers are efficient and reliable, with a large number of features included, and at a very affordable price. In Linux virtual servers can be hired from 6.90 per month.

If it needs a greater performance, can opt by the Servers Devoted, instrumented with processors of high quality and that guarantee a hygiene of operation and of upper data to the one of a server with a CPU of desk, or by the Cloud Private of Strato that is much more that a server devoted since it allows the installation of servers root virtual active in a server devoted and the adjudication of dynamic resources to the servers, what simplifies a lot his administration. The Cloud Private is an intelligent solution that gathers the advantages of a server devoted and the ones of a virtual machine. “Any server has costs of installation neither a minimum period of contracting. Like this, each one can test by himself same his quality and performance without engaging by long periods”, continues Böing.

The centres of data of Strato are certified by the external organism TÜV according to the normative ISO27011, with which certify also banks and big insurance. Besides, Strato manages his centres of data with renewable energies from 2008 that do not issue CO2 helping to the environingingment.