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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Se amplía el plazo para las candidaturas del Premio Solidario BigMat 2010

Extends the deadline for the nominations of the solidarity Prize BigMat 2010


April 15, 2010

The deadline for submission of candidatures to the BigMat awards at the 2010 solidarity has been extended until May 15. There is still time to be submitted to the fourth edition of these awards for the second time will be awarded to entities, projects, or volunteering activities.
They are equipped with a total of 24,000 euros, of which 18,000 will be for the winner, 3,000 for the first honourable mention and other $ 3,000 for the second. The jury may decide a division of each of the three amounts, for a maximum of two projects by provision, in equal parts.

Candidates wishing to apply for this award must submit by May 15 a memory of action or body of work and a document summary not exceeding 10 pages (original and two copies of each). In addition it must present copy of all documentation that is attached to a CD. It will also be necessary to attach a minimum of 6 colour photographs of the project with a size of 13 x 18 cm. Detailed information about the basis for access to this award is available at

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