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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Zubi-Ondo, 70 años creando herramientas manuales
The company of Ermua manufactures parts for the sectors of construction, plumbing, agricultural and gardening

Zubi-Ondo, 70 years creating hand tools

Drafting Interempresas06/03/2009

March 6, 2009

Seventy years have passed since that in 1939 a small town called Ermua in the Basque country, only 825 inhabitants, would open in the Centre of the village Armory workshop to make competition to Eibar, where moved the majority of residents working in the industry. The ideologists of the project were Cosimo Zubizarreta and José María Iriondo, of whose combination of surnames was released the name of the company: Zubi-Ondo. This year, and after long standing, the signing Tools Ermua (Zubi-Ondo) celebrates its seventy anniversary by incorporating new materials into their hand tools, the result of the work in its Department of research and development.
"Our company has always been closely tied to the development of Ermua becoming in the 1970s, when it already had 14,500 inhabitants, largest municipality with more than 400 employees, thanks mainly to the sales in international markets"", to assume the export of 80% of the billing", explains Evaristo Feijóo, Chief Executive Officer and commercial director of tools Ermua (Zubi-Ondo).

The company suffered the effects of the crisis affecting the industrial sector, especially to the hand tools in 1980. The company lived a situation in which the workers themselves were solution with the creation of a labour society. This society has allowed that in 21 years Zubi-Ondo has been able to exit the workers that age have been retiring and generating new jobs.

Evaristo Feijóo
Evaristo Feijóo.

Project for the future

"The new facilities, the renewed efforts of entrepreneurs that they materialized in 2004 suggest, hopefully, in a project of sustainable and competitive future, which when you hear talk about homework, Zubi-Ondo believe having them made to see that our production capacity in the new facility becomes produce with 50 workers which makes" 21 years occurred with 400 ", adds Feijóo. The Chief Executive Officer of the company wants to convey an optimistic message to the new situation of crisis that hit the industry: "This company, which has a long existence, which has such a good human capital, which has gone through difficult challenges"We are sure that it is capable of solving the events that are coming and give it the best means and conditions is therefore a first step that we have considered it necessary to carry out in 2004 ".

The combination of business efficiency and social values of Zubi-Ondo is the antidote to address the challenges that arise every day for Evaristo Feijóo. Not in vain, the firm has a few new production facilities which occupy 13,000 m2 including warehouse of materials, forging, machining, Assembly, plant treatments, offices and distribution warehouse. All facilities have a novel production systems and the latest technology.

The company has a sales network at the national and international level of sales and marketing in the sector professionals hardware, industrial supply and warehouse of construction.

In the forging of Zubi-Ondo was born some of the products of the company
In the forging of Zubi-Ondo was born some of the products of the company.
The quality of the products

Zubi-Ondo is vested since February 1998 the ISO 9002 certification of Aenor, and since April 2003 the ISO 9001: 2000. The r & d Department stays in the line of innovation in the design of new products, such as the handles of fiberglass and new materials, which have resulted in a significant improvement benefits of the products of the company. His production includes ranges of hammers, maces and peaks; plumbing, construction and industrial supplies; handles and wedges; axes for garden and agricultural.

The company's production included hammers, maces and peaks; among other options
The company's production included hammers, maces and peaks; among other options.

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