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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Herramex apuesta una vez más por la internacionalización de sus asociados

Herramex Bets once again by the internationalisation of his associated


20 December 2013

The Spanish Association of Manufacturers of hand-held Tools, Herramex, has designed an ambitious Sectorial Plan for the 2014 where include 13 commercial missions, 1 reverse mission and 4 Participations Grouped in international fairs. The countries that will visit in the commercial missions are the following: Guatemala, Costa Rica, Honduras, Nicaragua, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, United States, Mexico, Poland, Romania, Ecuador, Peru, Greece, Cyprus, Turkey, Angola, South Africa, Dominican Republic, Russia, Latvia, Korea, Japan, China, Colombia, Venezuela, Saudi Arabia, Arab Emirates Joined, Kuwait, Chile, Argentina and Uruguay. During the 2013 also is foreseen to organise a reverse mission with participants of Kazakhstan, Iraq and Libya.

Finally, will organise 4 Participations Grouped in international fairs. The first of them organises for the International Hardware Fair, the most important fair of the sector that will take place of the 9 to 12 March in Colony (Germany). The second, is a fair designated Euroasia Expotool that will celebrate in Istanbul (Turkey) of the 26 to 28 June and in which we will participate for the first time.

The third, as it comes being usual, will be for the Expoferreteria of Guadalajara, Mexico, that in the 2014 will celebrate of the 28 to 30 August. And finally, a new fair more oriented to the sector cerrajero that it is the hygiene Essen. This fair is the most important to European level in the Prevention of Fires and Control of Accesses and will celebrate of the 23 to 26 September in Essen (Germany).

In spite of the complicated situation and the strong cuts, from Herramex follow supporting the internationalisation of our associated like key strategy for the growth and the image of Spanish mark.

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