Termigo, S.L.U. - Dantherm - Humidifiers and dehumidifiers

Termigo + Fog

Systems of nebulización and of pulverización: for the treatment of smells

Picture of Systems of nebulización and of pulverización
The systems of nebulización Termigo +Fog are an ideal solution for the treatment and control of smells in big areas, so much for industrial applications like commercial that require a treatment of elimination of smells in diffuse emanations.

The systems of pulverización of water Termigo +Fog are effective in the treatment of smells in solid waste and liquids, the process involves the atomisation of chemical products neutralizantes (to block the perception of the smell), absorbent of smell (that they modify the compounds that cause smells) or entirely natural like the bio-neutralizadores, that modify the process of natural decomposition and avoid the learning of smell by means of the biodegradation.

The neutralizantes natural are a product derived entirely of strata of essential oil and vegetal strata, are not perfumes or agents enmascarantes. They are substances that once nebulizadas near of the smells, absorb them and biodegradan, transforming them in waste no olorosos.

They are products that respect the environingingment, no toxic, no contaminantes, no flammable, no corrosivos, biodegradable. They are composed of elements commonly employed in the alimentary industry and of cosmetics.

One of the main advantages of these systems of pulverización are his reduced costs in relation to other systems of control of smells. The energetic cost is very low and the installation is very fast taking into account that the systems supply in several solutions, or pre-assembled with simple fast couplers.

The system of pulverización this composed by a bomb of high pressesure (70 bar) and a line of nebulización. The solution freed in shape of a fine fog (10 micras of diameter), remains in the environingingment facilitating the direct contact between the molecules causantes of the bad smell in the air and the agents neutralizantes powdered.

The result is an optimum operation with a minimum maintenance, able of atomizar the microgotas of uniform way to delete the smells, even in the circumstances and surroundings more complex.

The molecules neutralizantes delete to the instant and permanently the waste olorosos in the area of interest.

With a study of the concrete needs and peculiarities of the project, guarantees a correct dimensionado and calculation of solutions to measure of each one of the distinct problematic that they can resolve with the systems of elimination of smells by means of pulverización of water.

The installation can be completed with elements of monitoring and gestión that help to control and to interactuar with the operation of the equipment.

Systems of reading and measurement, automation and alarms, programs of calculation of inmisión and dispersion of smells, agents of claims and complaints... They are some of the possibilities that can incorporate to the basic system of elimination of smells by means of nebulización of water.

These systems can apply in areas of treatment of rubbishes and volatile organic components, debuggers of waters, chemical industries, plants procesadoras of foods, dumps, refineries, recycled, farms, stables, criaderos, etc.