Beko Tecnológica España, S.L. - Activated carbon filters

Clearpoint V

Filter of coal activated: for systems of air compressesed

Picture of Filter of coal activated
Clearpoint V is a technician of adsorption of oil, developed by Beko, for systems of air compressesed.

The permanent and reliable reduction of the content of residual oil represents one of the biggest challenges inside the air treatment compressesed. The generation of absorption of coal activated promises a length of the filter of until 10 times more with an improved process of greater reliability and reduction of the residue of oil.

The filter of coal activated that establishes a new standard and is ideal for applications that need free compressesed air of oil. The sequipment and smells of the oil are absorbed by a filter of mulch excepcionalmente wide of coal activated.

A definite plus for the quality of the air compressesed and the hygiene of the processes.

Clearpoint V guarantees an efficient adsorption, is of easy maintenance and, optionally, can include an indicator of level of oil.