Bibus Spain, S.L. - Product data sheet

Amplifiers and comparators

Barometers and vacuum gauges

Compressesors or soplantes of lateral channel

Coolers and refrigerators



Gear pumps

Hydraulic filter changers and hydraulic power stations

Levelling elements

Mounting devices for parts

Optical position sensors (OPS)

Other accesories

Other bearings and guideways

Other compressors

Other engines

Other lifting systems

Other sort of transmissions

Other valves

Pipe clamps

Piston pumps

Pneumatic cylinders

Pneumatic motors

Pneumatic pumps

Powered pallet jacks

Pressure and vacuum switches

Pressure transmitters and sensors

Probes and dimensional sensors

Proximity sensors (Reed, inductive sensors, etc)

Security valves


Special flow meters

Specific measurement equipment for construction, public works and agriculture

Suction adapters

Temperature , thermal sensors

Turbine flow-meters

Vacuum pumps

Valve actuators
