Spraying Systems Spain, S.L. (Autojet) - Humidifiers and dehumidifiers

Minifogger III

Unit of compact moistening: it can produce discharges of between 3,6 and 18,4 l/h

Picture of Unit of compact moistening

Spraying Systems, from does decades, comes manufacturing filters and systems of pulverización for humidificar the environingingment in industrial surroundings. The last development in this field, has been the Minifogger III. In him, it has collected all the experience of the previous model, and has attained “the unit of moistening more compact and economic of the market”, with a spherical design of so only 80 mm of diameter and 200 g of weight.

The Minifogger III possesses of 1 to 4 filters of pulverización pneumatics by sifón and can produce discharges of between 3,6 and 18,4 l/h (with 4 filters), providing a very fine mist with sizes of drop of 7 to 10 micras, the consumption of air is very reduced (of 120 to 180 l/min) and the absence of drippings is total.

The realisation of installations of moistening using the Minifogger III realises of way very simple since we only have to connect water and air compressesed to the unit. It is built in polipropileno and stainless steel, by what can use with water desionizada and other compatible liquids.

Keep a degree of humidity controlled is vital to guarantee the reliability and hygiene in a lot of processes of manufacture, as well as, to keep the products manufacturados in perfect conditions of storage.

The grave problems generated by the static electricity or by particles of environingingmental dust (risk of ignición of sparks and explosion, pollution of dust, desecado and dehydration of products...) They are much less frequent when they keep degrees of humidity of 65% or greater.