Rubi Group - Germans Boada, S.A. - Cortadoras Of ceramics

Rubi DW-250-NL

Electrical cutters: capacity of near cutting to the 120 cm

Picture of Electrical cutters
Of solid and resistant manufacture, the cutter ingleteador Diamant DW-250-NL is a very appreciated option between the professionals, to the aunar provision, capacity of cut, functionality and an excellent relation quality/price.

Because of the market trend of the ceramics to formats of greater size, the colocadores have the need to cut pieces every time greater and by this reason, the capacity of near cutting to the 120 cm of this cutter is especially valued by the professionals.

Together with his capacity of cut, stand out the incorporation of a removable table of stainless steel, that facilitates to a large extent the process of cleaning, the system of folding legs and the incorporation of wheels and roasts, for the transfer of the machine and his load in a vehicle.

Like the rest of the range Diamant DW, this electrical cutter has of an engine of 1,5 CV deslizante on threads and abatible to realizar cuttings to inglete. Besides the cabezal has of effect tronzadora and is graduable vertically. It fits to stand out also the tope with rule of measurement and square graduable, that allows to realizar repetitive cuttings and cuttings in diagonal with big precision.

Besides, to the equal that the rest of ranges Rubi, the DW-NL incorporates protective thermal sensors and a system of refrigeration of the disk by bomb of water with regulatory valve of flow. Has a guarantee of 2 years, cover by the international network of services post sale Rubi.