Pöppelmann Ibérica, S.R.L. - División Jardinería - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Pöppelmann Ibérica, S.R.L. - División Jardinería
Plaça Vicenç Casanovas, 11-15
08340 Vilassar de Mar (Barcelona) Spain

How to get there

☎:  +34‑937540920  
🖷:  +34‑937540921
w:  www.poeppelmann.com/es/teku/
Manufacture of pots and other plastic products for gardening

NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%

Pöppelmann Ibérica, S.R.L. - División Jardinería

Founded in 1949 as a small company, Pöppelmann is today one of the leading companies in the sector of the plastics processing industry.
The joint work between man, nature and technology in complex systems creates spaces for a better quality of life, taking advantage of the synergies of economic rationality, technical competence and ecological responsibility productively.

Our objective of maintaining a sustainable development of the enterprise is defined by 4 principles: continuous improvement customer satisfaction employees satisfied protect the environment thanks to the persistent development of the company, have assumed the challenge technical and ecological collaborate in the development of the future of plastic.

We invite our suppliers to participate in this process in the sense of a long-term partnership.