Farming Agrícola, S.A. - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Farming Agrícola, S.A.
34004 Palencia Spain

How to get there

☎:  +34‑979728450   +34‑610563905  
Import and distribution of agricultural machinery and grazier

NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%

Farming Agrícola, S.A.

DELTACINCO Is today a company with more than 30 years of experience in the import, distribution and commercialisation of machinery that differentiates in two lines:
AGRICULTURAL: Devoted to the import and distribution of agricultural machinery and grazier with the exclusivity of the following marks for all Spain: AMAZONE , KRONE, TANCO and BVL Go Lengerich. This distribution realizar through a network of dealers delivered by all the national territory, directly in the province of Palencia and in case of not having a dealer in some point, directly from the head office.
GREEN LINE: Devoted to the import and distribution of machinery for the creation and maintenance of green spaces with marks in scoop for all Spain: AMAZONE Green, SEMBDNER, VETI-DRAIN, RINK, CAMPEY MÜTHING, EXPRESS DUAL, JOHLI. And in the rest of marks works like dealers in scoop for a determinate zone of Spain: JOHN DEERE, REDEXIM, YAMAHA. This distribution realizar through points of sale, dealers and directly to fields of golf, companies of maintenance, city councils, sportive entities, centres of gardening and particular.
DELTACINCO Has a team of 41 people distributed by departments to be able to cover the needs of the customers and like this can attend all the commercial demands, technical, of the service posventa, transport of commodities, logistical, turnover, accounting, etc.