Solo Pintura 39

^abstract Interview Francisco Perelló, new chairman of the ASEFAPI (Spanish Association of Manufacturers of Paints and Printing Inks). In May the ASEFAPI general meeting elected Francisco Perelló, Valresa General Manager, as its new chairman as a replacement for Juan Guijarrubia. He stresses that defaulting has reduced, companies are better organised and exports are growing. However, he is cautious with regards to the paint sector's recovery prospects and recalls that the sector’s profitability has been at very low levels for years. Q UESTIONNAIRE What do manufacturers bring to traditional paint distribution? In recent years paint shops have been faced with significant, rapid changes in the market that force distributors to make considerable efforts in order to continue being competitive, including the necessary investments to redirect their businesses, modernise their establishments and make the most of their professionalism and service ethos. This situation encourages sales points to be increasingly committed to supporting the establishment of close collaboration and even stable alliances with leading manufacturers. The challenge consists of how to establish a well-adjusted and mutually satisfactory relationship. In this questionnaire, experts from some of the main manufacturers operating in the Spanish market give their vision about a decisive topic in guaranteeing the future survival of traditional distribution. Associations ANSPI demands specific professional training for painters. During the general meeting of the ANSPI-FNEP (National Federation of Paint Manufacturers) in Madrid it reviewed the main problems that affect the paint application sector and affect basic issues, such as the need for training, the fight against hacking and the situations of some companies, which in order to survive need to reduce their size and outsource. However, the main objective for the ANSPI, specific training in the paint sector, is not on the horizon at the moment. Markets Putties and fillers: the upward trend of DIY This year, 2014, the putties and fillers market shows a stable situation with greater dynamism in the field of renovation because prospects in construction continue to be encouraging. There is an upward trend in the DIY market and moderate end-user growth in consumption is expected. In the medium term, operators forecast an improvement in the performance of demand within the framework of price stability. Anti-corrosive paints: exterior decoration and protection The Spanish anti-corrosive paint market is defined by being focused on a small number of manufacturers and by having fewer generic brands compared to other paint types, since it requires heavy investment in R+D+i. This year, 2014, the operators believe that these products will have a similar performance, in volume, to the rest of the market and be slightly more positive in value. SÓLO PINTURA 36