FY63 - FuturEnergy

Eficiencia Energética: Hoteles | Energy Efficiency: Hotels www.futurenergyweb.es 76 FuturEnergy | Agosto-Septiembre August-September 2019 El acto se clausuró con el último premio al Socio ITH Asociación Hotelera, que entregó la secretaria de Estado de Turismo del Ministerio de Industria, Comercio y Turismo, Isabel Oliver, a la Asociación de Empresarios Hoteleros de Madrid (AEHM), que estuvo representada por su presidente, Gabriel García. “Desde la Secretaría de Estado de Turismo estamos firmemente decididos a impulsar la transformación competitiva de nuestros destinos y empresas para adaptarlos a una sociedad, una economía y un entorno crecientemente digitales. Un proceso complejo que va más allá de emplear las nuevas tecnologías, se trata de un cambio de paradigma en la forma de afrontar la gestión del territorio. La clave para abordar esta transformación de manera rápida y efectiva está en la colaboración público-privada”, afirmó Isabel Oliver. Tras las palabras de la secretaria de Estado de Turismo, los asistentes pudieron disfrutar en la terraza del Hotel Wellington de una propuesta gastronómica compuesta por exquisitos platos de cocina mediterránea con toques innovadores. El Instituto Tecnológico Hotelero es un centro de innovación y conocimiento para el sector hotelero que tiene como objetivo hacer más competitivo, rentable y sostenible el sector mediante la incorporación de innovación y tecnología. Fundada en 2004, ITH es una asociación privada sin ánimo de lucro, con sede en Madrid y de ámbito nacional; adscrita a la Confederación Española de Hoteles y Alojamientos Turísticos (CEHAT). Desde hace quince años, ITH promueve la innovación en el sector para aumentar su competitividad; realiza proyectos innovadores para introducir la tecnología en el sector; comunica, ofreciendo visibilidad y notoriedad a las iniciativas de sus socios, a los cuales también conecta con potenciales colaboradores; y, divulga conocimiento e información sobre el sector a través de jornadas e informes. Tras estos quince años, el Instituto Tecnológico Hotelero está más activo que nunca. A lo largo de estos años ITH ha participado e intervenido en más de 1.000 actos y eventos, propios e invitados (actualmente más de 100 al año); ha realizado más de 300 jornadas y conferencias propias, con una media de 100 asistentes. • ITH Partner Award for Educational Entity went to Les Roches Marbella, International School of Hotel Management. The General Secretary of ITH and CEHAT, Ramón Estalella presented the award to José Emmanuel Soler, director of student operations and service, on behalf of the establishment. • ITH Partner Award for Technology went to Robert Bosch España S.L.U. and was collected by Vicente Gallardo, Country Sales Director, Thermotechnology Division on behalf of the company. The award was presented by the Managing Director for Tourism of the Autonomous Community of Madrid, José Ramón Castiñeira Sobrido. • The ITH Partner Hotel award, which was presented by the minister for Culture and Tourism of the Autonomous Community of Madrid, Marta Rivera de la Cruz, went to two happy recipients: to Artiem Fresh People Hotels, collected by the company’s CEO, José Guillermo Díaz Montañés; and to Palafox Hotels, whose Commercial Director, María Jesús Fuentes, received the award on behalf of the establishment. The final award was for the ITH Partner Hotel Association, presented by the Secretary of State for Tourism of the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism, Isabel Oliver, to the AEHM, represented by its chair, Gabriel García. “The Secretary of State for Tourism is firmly committed to driving the competitive transformation of our tourist destinations and businesses to adapt them to an increasingly digital society, economy and environment. A complex process that goes beyond the use of new technologies, this involves a change of paradigm in the way the management of the territory is addressed. The key to quickly and effectively tackling this transformation lies in publicprivate collaboration”, stated Isabel Oliver. Following the Secretary of State for Tourism’s words, attendees were invited to the terrace of the Hotel Wellington to enjoy a culinary offering of delicious Mediterranean dishes presented with an innovative touch. The Hotel Technological Institute is an innovation and knowledge hub for the hotel sector whose aim is to make the sector more competitive, cost-effective and sustainable through the incorporation of innovation and technology. Founded in 2004, ITH is a private, not-for-profit association, based in Madrid with a national outreach. It is a member of the Spanish Confederation of Hotels and Tourist Accommodation (CEHAT). For fifteen years, ITH has been promoting innovation in the sector to increase its competitiveness; undertaking innovative projects to introduce technology into this segment. It communicates with, offers visibility to and disseminates initiatives among its partners, as well as connecting with potential collaborators, sharing knowledge and information about the sector through seminars and reports. Fifteen years on, the Hotel Technological Institute is as active as ever. Over the years, ITH has taken part and been involved in more than 1,000 forums and events, both its own and as guests (currently over 100 a year); as well as having organised over 300 in-house seminars and conferences, with an average of 100 attendees per event. De izquierda a derecha | From left to right: Manuel Catro (Remica), Ferrán González (Bosch), Roberto Vázquez (Wilo), Vicente Gallardo (Bosch), Beatriz Heras (Uponor), Pedro Miró (Italsan), Coralía Pino y José Carlos (ITH), Laura Sánchez (Italsan), José Antonio Alcobendas (iEnergy), Ramón Gutiérrez (Wilo).