FY63 - FuturEnergy

Las sociedades modernas demandan una alta y variada movilidad que garantice los desplazamientos de personas y mercancías de una forma económicamente eficiente y segura. Y todo ello sometido a una nueva racionalidad ambiental, que busca la sostenibilidad tanto en el aspecto medioambiental como en el técnico y económico, y que afecta tanto al modo en el que se produce energía –buscando el menor impacto en el proceso global de la movilidad– como al de reducir el consumo de dicha energía, a través de la optimización y mejora de diferentes dispositivos, entre los que se encuentran los motores de los vehículos de transporte. El sistema actual de transporte plantea desafíos crecientes y significativos para el medio ambiente, la salud humana y la sostenibilidad, en tanto que se ha centrado principalmente en el vehículo privado, condicionando tanto las formas de vida de los ciudadanos como la estructura de las ciudades. La intervención de Isastur en el campo de la movilidad sostenible se desarrolla, principalmente, en dos planos distintos: Por una parte, la compañía se ha especializado en la implementación total de puntos de recarga para vehículos eléctricos, realizando para cada instalación desde la búsqueda del emplazamiento, toda la tramitación administrativa necesaria (que en algunos casos puede implicar hasta cinco administraciones, desde el ámbito local hasta la administración central), la ingeniería, la instalación y la puesta en marcha. Modern societies demand a high and wide-ranging mobility, which guarantees that the journeys made by people and goods are both cost-effective and safe. In addition it must take into account a new environmental rationality that seeks to achieve sustainability at technical, economic and environmental levels. This affects both the way in which energy is produced, to have the least impact on the overall mobility process; and how the consumption of that energy is reduced, by optimising and improving different devices that include the motors of transportation vehicles. The current transport system poses increasing and significant challenges for the environment, human health and sustainability, which means that it has been mainly focused on the private vehicle, placing constraints on both the lifestyles of citizens and the structure of cities. Isastur’s involvement in the field of sustainable mobility has mainly taken place at two different levels: Firstly, the company has specialised in the full implementation of charging points for electric vehicles (EVs). For each charging point, Isastur has undertaken the search for the site, handling all the procedures necessary (which in some cases can involve up to five administrative bodies, from local to central governments), engineering, installation and commissioning. Working with this comprehensive turnkey philosophy, Isastur has installed almost every public charging point available in Asturias, - around one hundred -, as well as points in Valencia, Madrid, Galicia, Cantabria and Vizcaya for the leading utilities operating in Spain. In line with other models, contracts for the engineering and works management of this type of installations are currently in force with different clients. As a result, the holding company Isastur, in this case via its subsidiaries Isotron and Procinsa Energias Renovables, is working to make it easier to charge the batteries of the growing number of EVs on the road and in our cities, so that clean mobility gains ground year on year. Secondly, via its subsidiary Procinsa, Isastur is also working on ground-breaking and innovative projects to design, construct and maintain stand-alone charging point installations. In other words, charging points that are not connected to the grid and with the capacity to generate – using their own PV modules – and store energy for subsequent use to charge EV batteries. This line of work is being developed in close collaboration with the Council for Employment, Industry and Tourism of the Government of the Principality of Asturias, via the Asturian Energy Foundation (FAEN in its Spanish acronym). The most MOVILIDAD RENOVADA Y RENOVABLE Desde hace años, Isastur mantiene una firme apuesta por las energías renovables y por la movilidad sostenible, habiendo participado, con diferentes alcances, en la implantación de 3,2 GW eólicos y 2,1 GW fotovoltaicos por todo el mundo. En lo referente a la movilidad sostenible, Isastur cuenta con un equipo de técnicos especializados en el diseño, desarrollo e implementación total –búsqueda de emplazamientos, tramitación y puesta en marcha– de puntos de recarga para vehículos eléctricos en toda la geografía nacional; que en la actualidad ya ha instalado más de 100 puntos de recarga y mantiene contratos vigentes con operadoras del sector que duplicarán esa cifra en el próximo ejercicio. RENEWED AND RENEWABLE MOBILITY For years, Isastur has been firmly committed to renewable energies and to sustainable mobility, having taken part, at different levels, in the deployment of 3.2 GW of wind power and 2.1 GW of PV in projects worldwide. As regards sustainable mobility, Isastur benefits from a team of technicians specialised in the design, development and full implementation – searching for sites, handling administrative procedures and commissioning – of charging points for EVs all over Spain. To date, it has installed over 100 charging points and has contracts currently in place with sector operators that will double this figure over the coming year. FuturEnergy | Agosto-Septiembre August-September 2019 www.futurenergyweb.es 43 Movilidad Eléctrica | E-Mobility