FO92 - Futurenviro | Julio-Septiembre July-September 2022 40 Gestión y Tratamiento de Residuos | Waste Management & Treatment tejido industrial de nuestro país está basado en pymes, por lo que muchas de ellas no tienen recursos para estar al día de todas las obligaciones que conlleva la gestión de sus residuos, ya que varían de una comunidad a otra. Como se puede comprobar, la nueva ley de residuos y sus desarrollos normativos previstos abren importantes retos sobre cómo armonizar la gestión de residuos en España y las consecuencias de las nuevas normas en materia de residuos que se avecinan en los próximos meses. De ahí que el “IX Foro sobre la Gestión de los Residuos Industriales” que organizamos el próximo 20 de octubre en el Círculo de Bellas Artes de Madrid se base en todas estas temáticas. Para ello, contamos con ponentes del Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica, las comunidades autónomas de Andalucía, Castilla la Mancha, Madrid y País Vasco, así como de la Comisión Europea. También participan en las mesas de debate organizaciones como Recyclia, la Unión de Empresas Siderúrgicas (UNESID), Asterra Partners, Cicloplast y Ganvam, quienes aportarán las visiones de todos los eslabones de la cadena de gestión de residuos. “Los retos para el sector son enormes por la necesidad de una mayor armonización legislativa y la divulgación y pedagogía por parte de los poderes públicos” Los retos para el sector son enormes por la necesidad de una mayor armonización legislativa y la divulgación y pedagogía por parte de los poderes públicos. A esto hay que añadir la crisis económica actual, marcada por la inflación y el alto coste de la energía y las materias primas. Sin embargo, a pesar del complicado escenario al nos enfrentamos, seguimos considerando que este momento es una oportunidad para que el sector de los residuos sea una de las piezas clave en la implantación definitiva de una economía circular en el continente. n on the new obligations of the producer and the procedure governing waste transfer in each Autonomous Community. This has been done in response to the fact that there are many companies operating throughout the country and it was necessary to have an overview of electronic waste shipment procedures, something which did not exist until now. “The ASEGRE website features an interactive map to provide a single information platform on the procedure governing waste transfer in each Autonomous Community” ASEGRE decided to make this effort because we perceived the need for information among producers, in the absence of awareness and information campaigns promoted by public authorities. The allocation of resources in the past to campaigns to raise awareness amongst citizens of their responsibility in the area of municipal waste management should now be replicated in the case of industrial and hazardous waste. It should be borne in mind that SMEs are the basis of Spain’s industrial structure, and many of them do not have the resources to keep up to date with all the obligations involved in managing their waste, particularly as these vary from one Autonomous Community to another. As can be seen, the newWaste Act and envisaged regulatory developments give rise to significant challenges associated with waste management harmonisation in Spain and the consequences of the new waste regulations due to arrive in the next few months. For this reason, the “9th Forum on Industrial Waste Management”, organised by ASEGRE and due to be held on October 20 at the Círculo de Bellas Artes in Madrid, will address all these issues. The event will feature presentations from representatives of the Ministry for Ecological Transition, the Autonomous Communities of Andalusia, Castilla la Mancha, Madrid and the Basque Country, as well as the European Commission. Organisations such as Recyclia, the Spanish Union of Iron and Steel Companies (UNESID), Asterra Partners, Cicloplast and Ganvam will also take part in the round tables to provide the views of all those operating in the waste management chain. “The challenges facing the sector are enormous due to the need for greater legislative harmonisation and dissemination and education on the part of public authorities” The challenges facing the sector are enormous due to the need for greater legislative harmonisation and dissemination and education on the part of public authorities. Added to this is the current economic crisis, marked by inflation and the high cost of energy and raw materials. However, despite the complicated scenario, we continue to believe that the current situation represents an opportunity for the waste sector to be amongst the key players in the definitive implementation of a circular economy in Europe. n Luis Palomino Secretario general de la Asociación de Empresas Gestoras de Residuos y Recursos Especiales (ASEGRE) Secretary General of the Spanish Association of Hazardous Waste and Special Resources Recovery Companies (ASEGRE)