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  In coming months the elevation sector will undergo a true revolution, caused by the numerous legislative changes facing i t . The importance of proper maintenance, safety, the modernisation of installed lifts and escalators, the regulation of elevating platforms for people, the inspection and possible suspension of all these pieces of equipment, the need to harmonise legislation in autonomous communities and energy efficiency have been just some of the points that were discussed on 26th February at the Euskalduna Conference Centre in Bilbao at the technical conference «The Legislative Framework of Vertical Transport» organized by the Basque Lift Manufacturers’ Association (EIGEL) in partnership with the Spanish Lift Trade Association (FEEDA). A Seminar organised by AENOR and FEEDA analysed the UNE-EN 81-20 and UNE-EN 81-50 standards in detail and with a multidisciplinary focus, answering questions that have arisen from the new harmonised standards for the construction and installation of lifts.  The lift sector in 2015 The sector has carr ied out the dual task of assessing the state of the industry and the prospects and market performance for 2015. A wide selection of companies agree that there are signs of growth, although there are differences regarding their scope which, in any case, continue to depend on variables (credit, consumption, employment) that are hard to control. However it is precisely these variables that define the pillar that will have to bear most of the activity in the sector: restorations and renovations.  Fepyma: Call to improve positions at the General Meeting in Barcelona GEDAC: The Catalonian Guild takes part in Rehabilita, I Semana and the Restoration Fair. Practical classes about lifts in schools. Gervall, a company committed to training in the sector. FEMPA: inauguration of a lift and forklift simulator.   One of the three major dates for fairs in the world of lifts, Asänsor Istambul, takes place from 26th to 29th March in the Turkish capital of Istanbul, an event that brings the sector together in this key geographical enclave that acts as a bridge between Europe, Asia and Africa. For this 14th year, there will be around 500 exhibitor companies and the expected presence of close to 28,000 visitors. The Mobile World Congress, whose 2015 event in Barcelona set a new record for participation and attendance, is the global meeting point for all companies related to the latest technologies and GSM network and Internet services, from which the lift sector will also benefit.  Batteries for lifts: better performances for growing demand The sector of batteries for lifts is not strictly following the progress of the lift market, but is moving ahead because it does not depend so much on foreign quantitative demand for equipment as much as on its modernisation, on its own domestic demand.IAnd in this regard, the constant growth of safety measures and the increase in the use of communications in lifts are encouraging sustained growth for batteries for this elevating equipment. There is also competition from various available technologies to meet these needs. Lifts have become hi-tech in recent years by including new safety and communications features. From increasingly strong demands to ensure the peace of mind of passengers in lifts to the implementation of more sophisticated devices to guarantee this safety on lift journeys, such as emergency systems, but also including more generalised connectivity such as screens in cabins; all of this requires the use of batteries, and this means, in the words of a well-known supplier company that «it is a sector that is becoming more and more important». Communication and emergency systems: the star equipment of lifts Communication and emergency systems for lifts are opening up an increasingly wide, powerful and versatile area of products and services. Technological advances being promoted by companies have systems and equipment that combine the integration of functions, an economy of costs and are easy to install and use. These innovations and improvements also represent, at the same time, sales incentives, 80 - Ascensores y Montacargas