FY65 - FuturEnergy

www.futurenergyweb.es FuturEnergy | Noviembre November 2019 23 Fotovoltaica | PV De cara a la instalación de esta nueva potencia, el sector ha reafirmado su compromiso para tomar las acciones necesarias para reducir su impacto en el medioambiente e incluso revertirlo en acciones positivas a nivel local y global. Mirando al futuro, UNEF ha remarcado la importancia de contar con un procedimiento de acceso y conexión a la red transparente, ágil y que garantice igualdad de condiciones para todos los actores. Para conseguirlo, ha marcado unas actuaciones clave, que incluyen liberar más capacidad de conexión a la red, revisar el criterio de potencia de cortocircuito, e introducir requisitos previos como el derecho de uso de los terrenos e hitos administrativos posteriores. Asimismo, ha señalado como necesaria la revisión de la remuneración de la generación, para dar señales a largo plazo que atraigan la inversión, facilitando la firma de contratos PPA, revisando el diseño del mercado marginalista e introduciendo subastas homologables internacionalmente. Además, ha remarcado la importancia de blindar la rentabilidad razonable de las plantas existentes en el 7,398% actual, lo que trasladaría un mensaje de estabilidad regulatoria. Las asignaturas pendientes para el autoconsumo El autoconsumo también continuará la tendencia alcista que se observa en los últimos años: en unmarco regulatorio liberalizado sin las barreras del RD 900/2015 y con una tarifa eléctrica que envíe las señales adecuadas, UNEF espera que se instalen unos 300-400MWanuales. A este respecto, se hace necesaria la finalización de la regulación de detalle de la compensación de excedentes y del autoconsumo colectivo y la implantación del registro de autoconsumo, así como la regulación de la conexión a red para facilitar los trámites de las instalaciones de autoconsumo y, en especial, de aquellas sin excedentes. Asimismo, UNEF considera esencial que la tarifa que diseñen CNMC y MITECO acompañe la transición energética y no genere una barrera al autoconsumo, eficiencia energética o vehículo eléctrico. Para ello, debe reducirse el término fijo función de la potencia contratada e incrementar el variable, lo que nos acercaría a los países de nuestro entorno. Outlook and challenges for PV generation plants 2019 expects to see the installation of between 3 and 4 GW of PV projects. In fact, considering the target scenario of the NECP, an amount in the region of 2.8 GW per year of PV power must be installed in order to achieve the 37 GW forecast for 2030. Currently, of all the PV projects that have applied for grid access and connection permits, 43.6 GW have been authorised and 69.1 GW are being processed, according to data from the Spanish Electricity Grid (REE). As regards the installation of this new capacity, the sector has reaffirmed its commitment to taking the steps necessary to reduce its impact on the environment and even to reverse it through positive actions at local and global level. Looking ahead, UNEF has stressed the importance of being able to rely on a transparent and straightforward grid access and connection process that guarantees every agent equal conditions. To achieve this, some key actions have been defined that include freeing up more grid connection capacity, revising the short circuit output criteria and introducing prerequisites such as the right of use of land, among other future objectives. UNEF has similarly highlighted the need to review the remuneration of power generation, to create long-term signals that will attract investment, facilitating the signing of PPAs, revising the design of the marginal market and introducing internationally standardised auctions. The association has also stressed the importance of safeguarding the reasonable return of existing plants at the current rate of 7.398%, which would transmit a message of regulatory stability. Matters pending for self-consumption Self-consumption will also continue to enjoy the upwards trend that has been seen in recent years: within the barrierfree, liberalised regulatory framework of Royal Decree 900/2015 and with an electricity tariff that sends the right signals, UNEF hopes that 300-400 MW are installed every year. In this respect, the detailed regulation on remuneration for the surpluses generated and collective self-consumption must be finalised along with implementation of the selfconsumption register, as well as the regulation on grid connection to make procedures for self-consumption installations more streamlined, in particular, those without a surplus. Similarly, UNEF believes it is essential that the tariff designed by the CNMC and MITECO run parallel to the energy transition and do not create a barrier to self-consumption, energy efficiency or the electric vehicle. For this, the fixed power termmust be reduced depending on the contracted capacity, increasing the variable, which would bring Spain into line with our neighbours.