FY55 - FuturEnergy

www.futurenergyweb.es 64 FuturEnergy | Noviembre November 2018 Eficiencia Energética | Energy Efficiency en local o en remoto desde un dispositivo móvil. ¿Significa eso una amenaza o una oportunidad para la domótica tal y como la hemos concebido hasta ahora?. Si hacemos correctamente los deberes y nos integramos bien dentro de ese entorno IoT, estamos ante un salto evolutivo en el concepto de domótica y por tanto ante la gran oportunidad que llevamos años esperando, gracias a la cual nuestras soluciones puedan extenderse en poco tiempo a lamayor parte de las instalaciones eléctricas. Por tanto, esos “gadgets” no son una amenaza para sistemas robustos y consolidados como el KNX, que es el estándar mundial para control en viviendas y edificios. Más bien son elementos que permiten a mucha gente entrar en el mundo de la domótica de manera sencilla, y que de otra forma no lo harían. Y eso es objetivamente bueno para todo el sector. Así pues, hagamos que la domótica y el IoT sean dos conceptos complementarios y necesarios el uno respecto del otro. Soluciones IoT en la automatización de viviendas y edificios Vamos a partir de la base de un sistema estandarizado, descentralizado y reconocido a nivel mundial: El KNX. Se trata de un bus de campo al que se conectan todos los elementos sensores (pulsadores, detectores, termostatos…) y actuadores del sistema (ON/ OFF, regulación, control de clima, etc.). El sistema puede, y debe, funcionar en local y de forma autónoma. Eso le confiere rapidez, simplicidad, fiabilidad e independencia de la red informática para cuestiones esenciales. A partir de ahí existen numerosas soluciones en el mercado capaces de conectar este sistema a Internet y desde esa plataforma añadirle todos los servicios que la tecnología de comunicaciones ofrece. Desde el control remoto mediante dispositivo móvil, hasta recepción de alarmas y control por voz a través de las diferentes plataformas disponibles: Amazon Alexa, Apple Home Kit o Google Home. Es decir, el sistema en su conjunto se habrá convertido en un dispositivo IoT capaz de responder a todas las necesidades, tanto en local como en remoto, y comunicarse desde la nube con los más diversos sistemas. Bajando al terreno de lo concreto, podemos materializar diferentes soluciones y aplicaciones posibles mediante un sistema KNX conectado a Internet mediante una solución IoT. Por ejemplo, pensewhich new versions and solutions are developed, involving a fairly high cost to keep everything updated. As such, large software and services companies are increasingly committed to centralising servers and software, so that users no longer need to have all that infrastructure locally. All that is required is a good fibre optic connection and the computers and terminals of each employee. New rules of the game for domotics and the automation of buildings Smart systems for homes and buildings are not exempt from all this change. A domotics system almost cannot exist without an Internet connection through which it can be managed remotely. But the challenge does not end there. The system has to able to integrate with other applications from the cloud, turning the entire system into an IoT element. Recent years have seen different “gadgets” coming onto the market frommany, often very well known, manufacturers, able to control lighting, blinds or HVAC, all of which functions are controlled locally or remotely from a mobile device. Is this a threat or an opportunity for domotics as designed to date? If we have done our homework correctly and it is properly integrated into that IoT environment, this represents an evolutionary step forward in the concept of domotics. It is also a long-awaited and welcome opportunity, thanks to which our solutions can be quickly extended to most electrical installations. As a result, these “gadgets” are not a threat to robust and consolidated systems such as the KNX, which is the global standard for control in homes and buildings. Rather these are elements that give many people easy access to the world of domotics that would otherwise not exist and objectively, this is good for the entire sector. Thus we ensure that domotics and the IoT are two complementary concepts where one is necessary for the other. IoT solutions to automate homes and buildings Our starting point is a standardised, decentralised system that enjoys global recognition: the KNX. This involves a field bus to which all the sensory elements (buttons, detectors, thermostats…) and system actuators (ON/OFF, dimming, climate control, etc.) are connected. The system can and must operate independently at local level. This provides the IT network with speed, simplicity, reliability and independence for essential issues. Thereafter, numerous solutions exist on the market capable of connecting this system to the Internet and from that platform, adding to it every service that communications technology offers. From remote control via a mobile device, to the reception of alarms and voice control by means of the different platforms available: Amazon Alexa, Apple Home Kit or Google Home. In other words, the system as a whole will have turned into an IoT device able to respond to every need, both locally and remotely, communicating with the most diverse range of systems from the cloud. Returning to specific examples, different solutions and applications can be delivered through a KNX system connected to the Internet by means of an IoT system. For example, take the control of the lighting of several small buildings or premises that need to be control remotely from a central point. This server, which can be installed in one of those buildings or in any other,