FY48 - FuturEnergy

El hotel ubicado en el área urbana de Bilbao se encuentra justo en el centro del distrito comercial, a poca distancia de la zona turística y cultural de la ciudad. El establecimiento consta de 150 habitaciones, bar, restaurante, salas de reuniones con capacidad para 300 personas, gimnasio y parking. El compromiso de la empresa hotelera es ofrecer servicios sostenibles, consistentes y eficientes para sus clientes, empleados y la sociedad en general, trabajando para integrar la gestión responsable del negocio, tanto en el ámbito económico y social, como en el medioambiental. Antecedentes Tanto el crecimiento constante de las instalaciones y servicios que ofrece el establecimiento, como el deterioro tras muchos años de servicio de la anterior torre de refrigeración metálica, llevó al hotel a sustituir su sistema de refrigeración. La antigua torre ofrecía una baja eficiencia energética y dificultades de mantenimiento. La selección del equipo de refrigeración El nuevo sistema debía cumplir con las altas exigencias de seguridad, sostenibilidad medioambiental y eficiencia energética requeridas por la propia política de calidad del hotel. Los técnicos responsables de la empresa especialista en instalaciones de climatización Kaener, con el asesoramiento del fabricante de soluciones de refrigeración industrial Torraval Cooling perteneciente al Grupo MITA, decidieron instalar un sistema de refrigeración evaporativa por representar una alternativa segura y eficiente. Located within the urban area of Bilbao, the hotel is right in the heart of the commercial district and within walking distance of the tourist and cultural area of the city. The establishment has 150 rooms, a bar, restaurant, meeting rooms with capacity for 300 people, gym and parking. The commitment of the hotel company is to offer sustainable, consistent and efficient services to its guests, employees and society in general, working towards a responsible management of the business in the economic and social fields as well as the environment. Background Both the constant growth of the facilities and services offered by the establishment and the deterioration of the old metal cooling tower after many years of service had made it necessary to replace the refrigeration system. The old tower offered low energy efficiency as well as being problematic to maintain. Selecting the refrigeration equipment The new system had to meet the highly demanding safety, environmental sustainability and energy efficiency requirements of the hotel’s own quality policy The technicians responsible for the installation from air conditioning systems specialist Kaener, acting on the advice of industrial cooling solutions manufacturer Torraval, which is part of the MITA Group, decided to install an evaporative cooling system as a safe and efficient alternative. Three premises had to be considered when replacing the old equipment: • Implementation of an adequate technological solution. • Tower location: in a small interior patio accessed from the roof. • Establishment and implementation of a prevention and specific maintenance plan for the installation. By following these criteria, the system should have a long useful life, hence the choice of a tower made of FRP (fiberglass reinforced polyester), whose two main characteristics are its inalterability against corrosion and easy maintenance. Evaporative cooling towers offer clear advantages over air options. For example, these refrigeration units have a minimum energy consumption, are less noisy, occupy less space and represent a lower investment for the hotel. RENOVACIÓN DEL SISTEMA DE REFRIGERACIÓN DE UN HOTEL URBANO La empresa de servicios energéticos Kaener, con el asesoramiento de Torraval Cooling, ha realizado la sustitución del sistema de refrigeración de un hotel urbano en Bilbao. El nuevo sistema debía cumplir con altas exigencias de seguridad, sostenibilidad medioambiental y eficiencia energética; de acuerdo con la política de sostenibilidad y calidad del hotel. Por ello, se decidió optar por una torre de refrigeración evaporativa, pues tiene un mínimo consumo energético, es menos ruidosa, ocupa menos espacio y la inversión para el hotel es menor. Las obras de instalación han supuesto un reto importante pues la torre se ha instalado en un patio interior de reducidas dimensiones; además, la sustitución del equipo de refrigeración se llevó a cabo estando el hotel en funcionamiento por lo que hubo de hacerse en un tiempo récord de un día y medio. RETROFITTING THE REFRIGERATION SYSTEM OF AN URBAN HOTEL Energy services company Kaener, advised by Torraval Cooling, has undertaken the retrofit of the refrigeration system for a city centre hotel in Bilbao. The new system has had to comply with highly demanding safety, environmental sustainability and energy efficiency requirements, in line with the hotel’s sustainability and quality policy. This prompted the decision to opt for an evaporative cooling tower as it has minimal energy consumption, makes less noise, takes up less space and a lower investment for the establishment. The installation works represented a considerable challenge given that the tower had to be installed in a small interior patio. Moreover, the replacement of the cooling units took place while the hotel was open to guests, meaning that it had to be completed as quickly as possible, in a record day and a half. La torre se ha ubicado en un patio interior de reducidas dimensiones The tower is situated in a small interior patio. Eficiencia Energética: Hoteles | Energy Efficiency: Hotels FuturEnergy | Marzo March 2018 www.futurenergyweb.es 49