FO86 - Futurenviro | Diciembre2021-Enero2022 December2021-January2022 27 A fondo: Análisis 2021 | In depth: 2021 Analysis inapropiada de los residuos peligrosos acarrea riesgos de accidentes para los gestores de residuos y posibles problemas para la salud de las personas. Otro de los hitos de 2021 que seguirá afectando mucho durante el año que comienza es la obligatoriedad de la tramitación electrónica para el traslado de residuos mediante la plataforma telemática eSIR y las de las comunidades autónomas. Ya es obligatorio desde el pasado mes de septiembre del pasado año pero, desgraciadamente, su funcionamiento ha sido muy deficiente y, una vez más, no se ha escuchado lo suficiente a productores y gestores, que son los principales usuarios de estas plataformas. La falta de capacidad de tramitación, continuos errores y dificultad de uso han sido la tónica habitual de estos meses, generando una gran inseguridad jurídica. Además, nos encontramos con varias plataformas autonómicas que se aplican según los casos para los traslados dentro o fuera de su territorio, lo que introduce gran complejidad en la gestión. Esto se verá notablemente agravado en 2022 por la llegada de nuevas plataformas autonómicas que fragmentarán aún más esta tramitación. En principio, la digitalización de los procesos viene a aportar seguridad y a reducir carga de trabajo. Sin embargo, por los problemas indicados, la realidad ha sido la contraria y esta digitalización consume mucho más tiempo y recursos de los gestores que cualquier tipo de tramitación anterior. Lo más problemático de esta situación es que los poderes públicos no han ofrecido un trámite alternativo que otorgue seguridad jurídica cuando la tramitación electrónica no sea posible de realizar por causas ajenas a los administrados. Esto va a seguir siendo una fuente de problemas en 2022. A modo de ejemplo, en marzo de este año las memorias anuales de los gestores tienen que estar ya presentadas y esperamos que existan incongruencias en los datos porque no se ha podido trabajar con la plena operatividad de la tramitación electrónica. achieving market unity, which would improve coordination and efficiency. However, it should not be forgotten that the law allows the regional authorities to review tax rates upwards. It is, therefore, to be expected that the current lack of harmonisation will continue and that waste will continue to be transferred between Autonomous Communities, which will impact the environmental objectives of the legislation as well as tax revenues. 2022 will see new regulatory developments in the area of packaging, in the form of the Royal Decree on packaging and packaging waste. It is vital that rigorous criteria continue to be applied to categorising the hazardousness of industrial packaging waste in order to ensure that it receives appropriate treatment in accordance with its characteristics. It should be remembered that inappropriate classification of hazardous waste entails risk of accidents for waste managers and possible health problems for people. Another 2021 milestone that will continue to have a major impact in the coming year is the mandatory electronic processing of waste shipments through the eSIR telematic platform and the platforms of the Autonomous Communities. This has been compulsory since September of last year but, unfortunately, the performance of the system has been very deficient and, once again, producers and managers, the main users of these platforms, have not been listened to sufficiently. Lack of processing capacity, continuous errors and difficulty of use have been the norm over the last fewmonths, generating great legal uncertainty. Moreover, several regional platforms process procedures on a case-by-case basis depending on the conditions for transfers within or outside their territory, which introduces a great deal of complexity into the management process. This will be significantly exacerbated in 2022 by the arrival of new regional platforms that will further fragment the process. In theory, the digitisation of processes should bring security and reduce workloads. However, due to the aforementioned problems, the opposite has been the case and these digital procedures consume far more of the time and resources of waste managers than any previous type of processing. The greatest problem is that the public authorities have not offered an alternative process that provides legal certainty when electronic processing is not possible for reasons beyond the control of waste managers. This will continue to be a source of problems in 2022. For example, the annual reports of waste managers must be submitted in March of this year and we expect that there will be inconsistencies in the data because it has not been possible to work with a fully operational electronic processing system. In any case, we continue to believe that if resources are allocated for better functioning, electronic procedures will make a positive contribution to the control and traceability of waste. This will require a constantly updated database and a Register ofWaste Managers and Producers (RGPR). All these improvements will lead to waste managers spending far less time on processing shipments. En lo que compete a los residuos de envases industriales será fundamental mantener el rigor a la hora de catalogar su peligrosidad para que reciban los tratamientos adecuados In the case of industrial packaging waste, it will be essential to continue to apply rigorous criteria when categorising hazardousness in order to ensure that it receives appropriate treatment