FO79 - FuturEnviro

Smart Water | Smart Water | Abril-Mayo April-May 2021 65 La implementación de avanzadas tecnologías de gestión digital de procesos logra resultados cada vez más sólidos y competitivos en el sector de la depuración de aguas residuales. Un buen ejemplo de esta espectacular evolución es la estación depuradora de aguas residuales (EDAR) de Nosedo, la principal depuradora de la ciudad italiana de Milán, que ha logrado, en apenas un año, reducir sus costes anuales de operación en 630.000 euros gracias a la utilización de la tecnología digital HUBGRADE Performance, implementada por Veolia Water Technologies. HUBGRADE Performance es una solución digital integral lanzada por Veolia Water Technologies, compuesta por un conjunto de soluciones de software inteligentes para la optimización en tiempo real del rendimiento del proceso. Permite una gestión automatizada gracias a sistemas de última generación, incluyendo el uso de tecnologías de inteligencia digital, que consiguen un mejor aprovechamiento de las instalaciones y procesos a lo largo de todo el sistema, desde la propia planta hasta la red de alcantarillado. Con ello, se mejoran notablemente los rendimientos, permitiendo un ahorro en costes de energía y productos químicos, al tiempo que se mejora la capacidad de tratamiento biológico de las instalaciones. La EDAR de Nosedo, operada por la empresa de servicios públicos MM SpA, es, por sus características y su tamaño, un excelente escaparate de las ventajas que ofrece la utilización de HUBGRADE Performance. No en vano, se trata de la principal planta de tratamiento de aguas residuales de Milán, con una capacidad de 1.250.000 hab. eq. con proceso de eliminación de fósforo y nitrificación/desnitrificación completas, siendo, además, la mayor planta de Europa en reutilizar casi el 70% de su efluente final para fines agrícolas. En este contexto, los responsables de la planta querían afrontar un incremento de su capacidad hidráulica de la planta en tiempo húmedo, reduciendo el consumo de productos químicos, ahorrando en la factura energética y garantizando en todo momento, la calidad del efluente para poder seguir reutilizando hasta el 70% del caudal para riego agrícola. El reto era conseguir todo ello sin acometer grandes obras de ampliación que requieran importantes Advanced digital process management technologies are achieving increasingly robust, competitive results in the wastewater treatment sector. A good example of the spectacular evolution in this area is the Nosedo Wastewater Treatment Plant, Milan’s largest WWTP, which has managed to reduce annual operating costs by 630,000 euros in just one year thanks to the HUBGRADE Performance digital technology implemented by Veolia Water Technologies. HUBGRADE Performance is a comprehensive digital solution launched by Veolia Water Technologies, comprising a set of intelligent software solutions for real-time optimisation of process performance. It enables automated management thanks to state-of-the-art systems and features digital intelligence technologies to achieve better utilisation of facilities and enhanced processes both at the plant itself and in the sewerage network. This significantly improves performance and provides redcutions in energy and chemical costs, whilst improving the biological treatment capacity of facilities. The Nosedo WWTP, operated by public services company MM SpA, is an excellent showcase for the benefits of using HUBGRADE Performance, due to its size and characteristics. It is the main wastewater treatment plant in Milan, with a capacity of 1,250,000 p.e. The plant implements a process that achieves complete phosphorus removal and nitrification/denitrification. It is also the largest plant in Europe to reuse almost 70% of its final effluent for agricultural purposes. The plant managers wanted to increase the hydraulic capacity of the plant in wet weather, reduce the consumption of chemicals, save on the energy bill and guarantee effluent quality at all times, in order to be able to continue to reuse up to 70% of the treated water for agricultural irrigation. The challenge was to achieve all this without undertaking major expansion works requiring significant investment. The solution was provided by Veolia Water Technologies through the implementation in 2019 of HUBGRADE Performance, a holistic and intelligent control software solution for treatment plants. It proved to be a wise decision, as borne out by the excellent results achieved between July 2020 and March 2021. In addition to a reduction in operating costs of 630,000 euros per year, reductions in the use of chemicals and sludge production have also been achieved. Reducing energy consumption in the biological stage by up to 25% is a particularly noteworthy achievement. Moreover, there has been increase of between 20% and 30% in wet weather hydraulic capacity, whilst maintaining the guarantee of compliance with discharge quality at all times. There has also been a reduction in the need for manual intervention, giving MM SpA the peace of mind of knowing that operations are being carried out optimally and that resources are being freed up for other activities of greater added value for the client. One of the decisive factors that has enabled these operational improvements at the Nosedo WWTP is the fact that the system is capable of integrating LA EDAR ITALIANA DE NOSEDO CONSIGUE AHORROS 630.000 EUROS ANUALES GRACIAS A HUBGRADE PERFORMANCE NOSEDOWWTP IN ITALY ACHIEVES ANNUAL SAVINGS OF €630,000 WITH HUBGRADE PERFORMANCE