FO79 - FuturEnviro | Abril-Mayo April-May 2021 103 Desalación | Desalination disponibles para cada instalación se presentan agrupadas en distintas tablas para facilitar su descarga y, además, se incluyen algunas gráficas para una mejor visualización. Grafana, por tanto, sirve de interfaz entre las consultas a la base de datos y el usuario final, de modo que éste no tenga que utilizar lenguaje informático alguno y pueda visualizar los datos de manera amigable (gráficos, tablas, histogramas, etc) además de poder exportarlos cómodamente para analizarlos con sus propias herramientas. Para ello, desde DESAL+ LIVING LAB se pueden configurar diferentes paneles (dashboards) para cada instalación, agrupando las variables de la forma más adecuada para su visualización acorde a las demandas de los usuarios. Acceso a la herramienta TIC y descripción y manejo de la herramienta de visualización de datos Los interesados en esta herramienta podrán acceder a ella dándose de alta en este servicio. Como se ha indicado anteriormente, la finalidad de este repositorio de datos es acceder a información normalmente no accesible y fomentar así la investigación y mejora de los procesos tool is complemented by Grafana an open-source software licensed under the Apache 2.0 license, allowing the visualisation and selection of the data through a graphical web application. Users will find a guide document in English (called Help) within the application, which explains in detail how to navigate through the platform, access the dashboards of the facilities, download the required data, etc. The variables available for each installation are grouped in different tables to facilitate downloading and some graphs are also included for better visualisation. Grafana, therefore, serves as an interface between the database queries and the end user, so that the latter does not have to use any computer language and can visualise the data in a user-friendly way (graphs, tables, histograms, etc.). Moreover, data can be easily exported to enable users to analyse them with their own tools. For this purpose, DESAL+ LIVING LAB provides different dashboards, which have been configured for each desalination plant, enabling the variables to be grouped for optimal visualisation in accordance with user needs. Access to the ICT tool and description of the data visualisation tool Those interested in this tool can access it by registering for this service. As indicated above, the purpose of this data repository is to provide access to information not normally accessible, in order to promote research and improvement of desalination processes. Therefore, interested potential users must meet certain minimum requirements to access the platform. The registration procedure can be carried out on the DESAL+ LIVING LAB portal. Once authorised, users can access the home page, which features two lists: one with all the installations for which data can be visualised, and the other with the dashboards they have selected as favourites (starred). Once users access the home page of each facility, they will be able to see a summary of its characteristics (capacity, technologies, recorded data and cadence, etc.), as well as a list of the dashboards created for that installation. The dashboards panels have been designed to fulfil a double function: to facilitate consultation and export of the raw data and/or to facilitate visualisation of the plant process. The main difference between the two available visualisation modes is that, although any data can be downloaded regardless of whether it is displayed as a graph or a table, tables for displaying raw data do not undergo transformation of any type (groupings, averages, etc.) and contain a larger number of variables. Exploring the time series is very intuitive thanks to the tool’s three integrated ways of selecting the time interval for which the data is displayed. The first is the time picker, located on the top right of the screen, which can be entered manually in written form, with a calendar or using pre-set intervals. Moreover, these intervals can be entered in absolute or relative form. Another way to fine-tune time searches is by zooming in on a graph, so that by dragging the cursor over a portion of the graph, the time interval will change for the entire dashboard. The last tool to control the time range displayed is the opposite of the previous one and involves the use of the zoom-out icon to amplify the time range for the entire dashboard. Página principal | Home page Página principal de una de las instalaciones disponibles | Home page of one of the available installations (Installation 1). Panel orientado a la visualización del funcionamiento de la planta | Dashboard for visualisation of plant functioning.