FO75 - FuturEnviro

1. Ley de Contratos del Sector Público entre otras cuestiones para establecer mecanismos que agilicen el proceso de contratación 2. Ley de racionalización y sostenibilidad de la Administración Local en el sentido de no otorgar competencias exclusivas a los entes locales en materia de abastecimiento, saneamiento y depuración. 3. Reglamento de la Ley de Desindexación, Real decreto 55/2017, que limita la rentabilidad del capital privado en contratos de colaboración público-privada al rendimiento medio de la deuda del Estado a 10 años (ahora en el entorno del 0,2%) más 200 puntos básicos, mientras que el retorno para activos de infraestructuras está estimado en torno al 6%-7%. • Necesidad de un Pacto nacional por el agua. • Las inversiones derivadas de los programas de medidas de los planes hidrológicos han de incorporarse a los Presupuestos Generales del Estado con carácter de vinculantes. • Desarrollo de la colaboración público-privada potenciando un marco normativo que la garantice. • Necesidad de un regulador único para que se haga efectiva la solidaridad entre las distintas regiones de España. • La conservación y explotación de las infraestructuras del ciclo urbano del agua han de estar presentes en el Plan, ya que el buen estado de ambas es imprescindible para cumplir los objetivos medioambientales y forman parte del coste final del agua, con lo que van ligadas al principio de la recuperación de costes ¿acaso también puedan ser objeto de declaración de interés general? En todo caso son labores de las que no es posible prescindir, cuyo coste puede superar al de primera instalación. • Es imprescindible la labor docente de las administraciones públicas en esta materia. and that its management requires economic resources, the responsibility for which must be shared by all. If the DSEAR Plan were to be successful, which would be tantamount to achieving a fullyimplemented Hydrological Plan worthy of the name, we would have sustained and sustainable investment over time that would enable companies to plan and adjust to market share. This would result in job creation, greater stability in the sector and would make the right of all to enjoy an adequate environment a reality. ASAGUA proposals on DSEAR Plan: • Defence of legislative reforms. The Plan should be an incentive for change and should go hand-in-hand with structural reforms of the General State Administration. Reforms are proposed in the following areas: 1. The Public Procurement Act, amongst other reasons, for the purpose of establishing mechanisms to speed up the contracting process 2. The Rationalisation and Sustainability of Local Administration Act, for the purpose of not investing local entities with exclusive competences for supply, sanitation and treatment. 3. The De-indexing Act, Royal Decree 55/2017, which limits private capital gains in public-private partnership contracts to the average yield of 10-year government bonds (currently around 0.2%) plus 200 basis points, while the return on infrastructure assets is estimated at around 6%-7%. • Need for a national Water pact. • Investments associated with the programmes of measures set out in river basin management plans should be incorporated as binding in the General State Budget. • Development of public-private partnership through the creation of a legislative framework that provides guarantees for this model. • Need for a single regulator to make the solidarity between the different regions of Spain effective. • The conservation and operation of urban water cycle infrastructure must be included in the Plan, because both are vital in order to achieve environmental goals and form part of the final cost of water, meaning that they are linked to the recovery of costs. Might they also be the subject of declarations of actions of general State interest? In any case, they are indispensable areas whose costs can be higher than those associated with initial construction. • The provision of education in this area by public authorities is vital. A fondo: Análisis 2020 | In depth: Analysis of 2020 FuturEnviro | Noviembre/Diciembre November/December 2020 55