FO75 - FuturEnviro

leados, donde las temperaturas son más altas, y donde suele haber menos agua. El agua es básica pero el clima es el que marca las diferencias. El Reglamento Europeo impone obligaciones a las entidades que producen el agua regenerada, las que la distribuyen y los regantes que la utilizan, con objeto de garantizar la salud de los consumidores, los trabajadores y el medio ambiente. Además, el nuevo Reglamento Europeo deberá convivir con el Reglamento Español y consideramos que es de máximo interés que los afectados sepan cómo les afecta esta “convivencia” y qué planes tiene la Administración Competente para armonizar la normativa. Esta Jornada Técnica tuvimos que realizarla “On line”, pudiendo sacar partido de los beneficios que ofrece esta tecnología, como fué contar con la participación desde EEUU de Jackie Jarrell, Presidenta de nuestra organización madre, laWater Environment Federation y de Bettina Doeser, Head of Unit CleanWater, DG Environment de la Comisión Europea, desde Bruselas. Destacamos en ella que nuestros agricultores son conscientes de la necesidad de disponer de un marco de actuación europeo que garantiza la seguridad de nuestros productos agrícolas en el mercado europeo, sin duda el más importante. Nos toca ahora salir de esta profunda crisis y, afortunadamente, vamos a contar con una importante ayuda de la Unión Europea que ha comprometido una elevada cantidad de dinero. La Unión nos ayuda y nos pide al mismo tiempo que mejoremos. Europa ha de ser mejor y más competitiva y España mucho más, ya que todavía estamos lejos en muchos aspectos de la media de los países europeos. Nos proponen que invirtamos parte del dinero que nos facilitaran en potenciar nuestra industria, lo que me parece muy interesante y nos ayudará a disminuir nuestra dependencia del monocultivo que es el turismo. Un cultivo interesante y atractivo, una gran fuente de recursos económicos, pero que no conviene que sea la base absoluta de nuestra economía. Si queremos potenciar los sectores industriales necesitamos mejorar otras muchas cosas, entre ellas nuestra administración. Hace unos meses, con el Colegio de Ingenieros Industriales de Catalunya analizamos los procesos necesarios para implantar nuevas actividades industriales en Catalunya y nos alarmamos. Descubrimos que los procesos son extraordinariamente largos y complejos, acabando por desanimar a los potenciales inversores del sector y creando una barrera potencial a las ayudas europeas o al desarrollo de la industria. place. This regulation governs many uses, including agricultural irrigation. Spain is a leading agricultural country and a great deal of water is consumed in this sector.We do not have an abundance of water and it is distributed irregularly throughout the country. Agriculture is most productive in sunny areas, where temperatures are higher and where there tends to be less water. Water is vital but the climate is what makes the difference. The European Regulation imposes obligations on the entities that produce and distribute reclaimed water, and on the irrigators that use it, for the purpose of guaranteeing the health of consumers and workers, as well as safeguarding the environment. Moreover, the new European Regulation will have to co-exist with the Spanish Regulation and we believe it is of maximum interest to stakeholders to understand how this “co-existence” affects them and the plans the competent authorities have in terms of legislative harmonisation. We were forced to hold this Technical Seminar online, and we availed of the technological advantages of the virtual format to have the participation of Jackie Jarrell, President of our parent association, theWater Environment Federation, who joined us from the USA, and that of Bettina Doeser, Head of Unit Clean Water, DG Environment of the European Commission, who participated from Brussels. During this seminar, we highlighted the fact that our farmers are aware of the need to have a European framework that guarantees the safety of our products in the European market, which is unquestionably our most important market. Our aim now is to emerge from this deep crisis and, fortunately, we will have significant aid from the European Union, which has allocated a large sum of money for the purpose. The EU helps us and, at the same times, calls on us to improve. Europe needs to be better and more competitive, and Spain has a far greater margin for improvement.We are still a long way off the European average in many areas. The EU proposes that we invest some of the money to be made available in strengthening our industry, which seems very positive to me and will help us to reduce our dependency on the monoculture that is tourism. Tourism is an interesting and attractive sector, and a great source of revenue but it is not advisable for it to be the absolute basis of our economy. If we wish to strengthen our industrial sector, many things have to be improved, including our public administration. Some months ago, in cooperation with the Catalan Association of Industrial Engineers, we analysed the procedures required to set up new industrial activities in Catalonia and we were shocked.We discovered that the procedures were so extraordinarily long and complex as to discourage potential investors and create a potential barrier to European aid and the development of industry. During this analytical process, we also learned that the Government of Catalonia has embarked on a process of administrative simplification in order to improve the situation, which is further proof that there are very significant administrative problems. And far more recently, we observed that the Central State Administration has published a draft of the ROYAL DECREEA fondo: Análisis 2020 | In depth: Analysis of 2020 FuturEnviro | Noviembre/Diciembre November/December 2020 49