FO74 - FuturEnviro

Mujeres y Medio Ambiente | Women & Environment FuturEnviro | Octubre/Noviembre October/November 2020 16 tecnológica. Por ello necesitamos profesionales altamente cualificados. Ámbitos como los soportes celulósicos, la biomasa, la biorrefinería, la biotecnología o la nanociencia forman parte del presente y el futuro de nuestra industria. En la bioindustria de la celulosa y el papel hacemos efectivo nuestro compromiso con la economía circular y la descarbonización, con productos reciclables que se reciclan masivamente, empleando materias primas renovables y locales, valorizando los residuos del proceso industrial y utilizando eficientemente el agua y la energía. El 71% de la materia prima que empleamos es fibra reciclada y el 29% fibra virgen de madera procedente de plantaciones y mayoritariamente certificada. El ciclo empieza en las plantaciones locales de eucalipto y pino, donde se cultiva la madera para papel. La práctica totalidad (96%) de la madera que utilizamos como materia prima es de procedencia local, así como casi tres cuartas partes (72%) del papel para reciclar. Con la transformación industrial en las diez fábricas de celulosa y sesenta y nueve fábricas de papel que tenemos en nuestro país creamos valor añadido a partir de estas materias primas locales. Este alto nivel de suministro local de materias primas es uno de nuestros signos de identidad y un factor que contribuye a la fortaleza de nuestro sector, en un país con un gran déficit de materias primas. Estamos activamente comprometidos con la gestión forestal sostenible y su certificación y con la promoción de la recogida selectiva de papel y cartón para reciclar. Las plantaciones donde se cultiva la madera para fabricar papel en España son grandes sumideros de CO2 y generan empleo rural. Se trata además—en un alto y creciente porcentaje que ya asciende al 60%— de madera con certificación de gestión forestal sostenible (FSC y/o PEFC). Productos para el consumidor responsable Naturales, renovables, reciclables, masivamente reciclados, biodegradables y bajos en carbono, los bioproductos papeleros están sustituyendo crecientemente en numerosas aplicaciones a otros productos de materiales que no reúnen estos atributos medioambientales. Con los bioproductos papeleros de uso cotidiano, capaces de producir el mayor valor añadido a partir de materias primas locales, mejoramos la calidad de vida de los ciudadanos. Se trata de productos esenciales para la vida diaria como los papeles higiénicos y sanitarios, los envases y embalajes imprescindibles para la distribución de alimentos, bebidas, medicinas o productos de higiene y limpieza, entre otras muchas mercancías, y los papeles gráficos utilizados como soporte de diarios, revistas, libros, folletos, carteleneed highly-qualified professionals. Areas such as cellulosic supports, biomass, biorefineries, biotechnology and nanoscience form part of the present and future of our industry. In the paper and pulp bioindustry, we put our commitment to the circular economy and decarbonisation into practice by manufacturing recyclable products that are recycled in enormous quantities, by using renewable, local raw materials, by recovering waste from the industrial process, and by using water and energy efficiently. Recycled fibre accounts for 71% of the raw materials we use, and the 29% virgin wood fibre used comes from plantations which are mainly certified. The cycle begins at local eucalyptus and pine plantations, where the wood for paper is grown. Practically all (96%) of the wood we use as raw material comes from local sources, as well as almost three quarters (72%) of the paper for recycling. Through industrial processing in Spain’s 10 pulp mills and 69 paper mills, we create added value from these local raw materials. This high proportion of locally-supplied raw materials is one of our hallmarks and contributes to the strength of our sector, in a country with a high raw materials deficit.We are actively committed to sustainable forest management and certification, as well as to selective collection of paper and board for recycling. The plantations where wood is grown for the manufacture of paper in Spain are large CO2 sinks and create jobs in rural areas. Moreover, a high and growing percentage of this wood —currently 60%— comes with sustainable forest management certification (FSC and/or PEFC). Products for the responsible consumer Natural, renewable, recyclable, recycled in enormous quantities, biodegradable and low-carbon, paper bioproducts are increasingly substituting products made of other materials that do not have these environmental benefits, in many different applications. Paper bioproducts for everyday use made from local raw materials that can provide greater added value improve the quality of life of citizens. These are essential products for daily life such as: toilet paper, personal care products, containers and packaging that are essential for the distribution of food products, medicines or cleaning products, and many more goods, not forgetting graphic paper used for newspapers, magazines, books, leaflets, posters and notebooks, in addition to a long list of specialised paper for very specific uses. Leaders in recycling After use, paper products are collected for recycling through two channels: selective municipal collection (blue container, doorto-door from retail outlets and selective collection centres) and collection carried out by private operators from large department stores and distribution centres, industry, printers, etc. At our paper mills, we recycle 5.2 million tonnes of used paper per annum. A recycling rate (paper recycled as raw material at paper mills as a percentage of total paper and board consumption) of 75% makes Spain the third largest recycler in the EU in terms of volume, with practically the same rate as Italy, and behind only Germany and France.