FO57 - FuturEnviro

Gestión y tratamiento de agua | Water management and treatment FuturEnviro | Febrero February 2019 76 El propósito final del consorcio IDIaqua no es otro que contribuir a fortalecer las capacidades de los actores en el diseño de proyectos, la planificación sectorial y la ejecución real, proporcionando herramientas, enfoques conceptuales y criterios de decisión que permitan cerrar o reducir las brechas, carencias o dificultades que aún hoy alejan a las regiones de objetivos de desarrollo en materia de tratamiento de aguas residuales, esencial para la salud, el bienestar social y la sostenibilidad ambiental. IDIaqua es un proyecto financiado por el Programa POCTEP (20142020) y cuenta con la participación de las siguientes regiones: Andalucía y Extremadura, por España; y Algarve y Beiras e Serra da Estrela, por Portugal. Abarca una duración de 30 meses y un presupuesto total de 3,3 M€, con una financiación FEDER de 2,4 M€. La tecnología, al servicio de la gestión del agua Como muchos otros, el sector del agua necesita adoptar medidas para garantizar estar a la vanguardia del desarrollo, tecnificación, producción sostenible y tecnologías que permitan servir de forma eficiente a los usuarios tanto en el presente como a futuro. El agua, como elemento esencial para el bienestar y desarrollo social, ha de ser usada y gestionada bajo principios de ética, responsabilidad y compromiso desde todas las perspectivas, la humana, la social, la productiva o industrial. En la actualidad, la sociedad reclama una protección del medio ambiente y de los recursos naturales y, en este marco de acción, la tecnología aparece una vez más como factor determinante para la conservación del medio ambiente: sin tecnología e innovación no habrá una gestión óptima de los recursos y una respuesta capaz ante los desafíos presentes y futuros del sector. fourth working group is entitled Innovative Demonstration Projects Plan. This group seeks to design and implement optimised treatment systems on a real scale (including the optimisation of obsolete infrastructures), as well as carrying out collaborative, public, transferrable R&D&i, with SMEs being the major beneficiaries. Finally, the fifth and sixth working groups are focused on transversal project management and communications tasks. Through these initiatives, IDIaqua will improve and extend existing relations and networking between operators, researchers, users, SMEs, social agents and public authorities at regional level. At the same, the R&D&i needs of operators and authorities with responsibilities for wastewater infrastructures in small towns will be analysed. This approach will help to connect R&D&i supply and demand in a sector that needs real, feasible solutions. The ultimate aim of the IDIaqua consortium is to contribute to reinforcing the capacities of the actors in the design of projects, sectoral planning and execution of initiatives, by providing tools, conceptual approaches and decision-making criteria that enable the gaps, shortcomings and difficulties which hinder regions from meeting wastewater treatment development objectives to be overcome. Because wastewater treatment is essential for health, social wellbeing and environmental sustainability. The IDIaqua project is funded by the POCTEP Programme (20142020) and features the participation of the following regions: Andalusia and Extremadura, in Spain, and the Algarve y Beiras e Serra da Estrela, in Portugal. The project has a duration of 30 months and a total budget of 3.3 million euro, 2.4 million euro of which is funded by the ERDF. Technology at the service of water management Like many other sectors, the water industry needs to adopt measures to ensure that it is at the cutting edge of development, technical expertise, sustainable production, and technologies that allow users to be served efficiently, both now and in the future. Water, as an essential element of social wellbeing and development, must be used and managed in accordance with principles of ethics, responsibility and commitment, from all perspectives, including human, social, productive and industrial points of view. Society now demands that the environment and natural resources be protected. In this context, technology once again emerges as the determining factor for environmental conservation. Without technology and innovation, optimal resource management and a response capable of addressing the present and future challenges facing the sector will not be possible.