Tatoma - Ingeniería y Montajes Monzón, S.L. (Inmosa) - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Tatoma - Ingeniería y Montajes Monzón, S.L. (Inmosa)
Pol. Ind. Los Paúles, 53-55 - Apartado de Correos 15
22400 Monzón (Huesca) Spain
☎:  +34‑974401336  
🖷:  +34‑974400670
w:  www.grupotatoma.com
Manufacturer of machinery for the livestock industry

The vicinity of the company location is being shown.

Tatoma - Ingeniería y Montajes Monzón, S.L. (Inmosa)

TATOMA is a group formed by three companies: Inmosa (Ingeniería y Montajes monsoon, S.L.), Servimosa and transformed Torres Martí.

Inmosa is dedicated to the manufacture of mixers, in its versions of trailers, static and self-propelled. Are here also made machinery for compost (mixers and crushers), (cleaning trucks) pressure tanks, boxes for distribution of feed trucks, grinders, etc. It began with the manufacture of mixers in 1987, which ensures a wide experience in this field. We all kind of plants for the manufacture of feed for livestock.