Talleres Clavellinas, S.L. - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Talleres Clavellinas, S.L.
Ronda Este, 4
14549 La Montiela (Córdoba) Spain

How to get there

☎:  +34‑957617523   +34‑699054152  
🖷:  +34‑957617588
w:  www.talleresclavellinas.com
Design, manufacture and setting of loaders shovels and accessories for agricultural and industrial machinery. Distributor of agricultural machinery

NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%

Talleres Clavellinas, S.L.

Workshops CLAVELLINAS, S.L. It is a familiar company that began his activity in 1970, situated then in Huertas of the Salty, in the municipality of Santaella, with some minimum installations for the repair and manufacture of agricultural machinery, governed then of particular form by his current manager and proprietary Don José Clavellina Warden.

In 1977 realised an extension and transfer of the company to The Montiela, carrying achieve an improvement of the installations, giving place like this to a greater catchment of customers because of the elder number of inhabitants and ease of access for the same, since it is this an agricultural zone in his whole.

Workshops Clavellinas is a company that bases his main activity in the manufacture of agricultural machinery.

In the year 1991 llevar the design of a loaders shovel for agricultural tractor as well as the obtaining of the different certificates of manufacture and homologation of the ministry of industry. The manufacture and commercialisation of the model was of five units in this first year.

In the year 1992 incorporate the manufacture of the model of the loaders shovel, a system of casting of the spoon that improved the system used until then and that opened even more the possibilities of use of these scheme, obtaining the patent on the same. This system is the known like system of high volteo.

With the construction of the Society of Responsibility Limited Workshops CLAVELLINAS, in the year 1993, incorporate and catalog the models of loaders shovels for agricultural tractors according to his different qualities and provision. These are the models M-390, M-420 and M-560 all they of the mark "CLAVELLINAS" creating also a model in this year of loaders shovel for tractor of orugas, the model M-265 and for the tractors fruteros the model M-360.

In successive years, in the period comprised between 1994 and 1995, llevar the improvements and corresponding adaptations to our models of loaders shovels to keep and increase the levels of quality and provision demanded by the market with, the end to keep us competitive in the same. Also in this period incorporates to the manufacture all a series of accessories for loaders shovels whose commercialisation initiates in this interval of time to the that have done references. This range of accessories are mainly the following:

  • Carries pallets:
    • Simple
    • With desplazador lateral
    • With twist of 140°
    • With twist of 180°
    • With twist of 180° and desplazador lateral
  • Recogedor of branches
  • Cazos of several measures in the models of
    • Arid
    • Cleaning
    • Cereal
    • Of rejilla
    • Double volteo
  • Niveladora or polidozer
  • Elevador of pallets
  • Retro-excavator adaptable to tractor trucks
  • Carries pallets for elevador of tractor and leading part
MANUFACTURES: Round This, 4 - 14549 THE MONTIELA (Córdoba) Tel.: 957315818 Fax: 957315898