Kubota España, S.A. - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Kubota España, S.A.
Calle Fernando Alonso 15
28914 Leganés (Madrid) Spain

How to get there

☎:  +34‑915110262  
w:  kes.kubota-eu.com/agriculture/
Manufacture and sale of agricultural tractors

NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%

Kubota España, S.A.

KUBOTA SPAIN, S. To. It is the subsidiary in Spain of one of the greater industrial companies of Japan, founded in February of 1890, whose main activity is the manufacture and sale of agricultural tractors and machines for the maintenance of green spaces.
Kubota Spain, S. To. It matters and it commercialises through a wide network of dealers a range of tractors of 12 to 140 CV with specifications each more adapted day to the demanding Spanish market and always with the traditional quality of Kubota.
Nevertheless, the aim prioritario of KUBOTA SPAIN and of his commercial network, is the attention to the customer. In this facet, our team post-sale loans technical assistance and supplies spare parts for the more than one hundred one thousand tractors of the marks EBRO and KUBOTA that work in Spain and countries of his surroundings.
KUBOTA Is pioneering in the design and manufacture of respectful tractors with the environingingment. His ecological motors, of low consumption, fulfil the most demanding norms of broadcasts and for this reason mount like first team in big variety of machines of other included manufacturers trucks of tourism.
Any one that was his work, always will find in the Network KUBOTA a professional that advise him the ideal machine that provide him the maximum efficiency in his business.