Asociación Española de Criadores de Ganado Vacuno Selecto de Raza Asturiana de Los Valles (ASEAVA) - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Asociación Española de Criadores de Ganado Vacuno Selecto de Raza Asturiana de Los Valles (ASEAVA)
Albarrio, 24 - Rondiella
33424 Llanera (Asturias) Spain
☎:  +34‑985770201  
🖷:  +34‑985773311
Promotion of the race and the defence of the interests of the graziers associated

The vicinity of the company location is being shown.

Asociación Española de Criadores de Ganado Vacuno Selecto de Raza Asturiana de Los Valles (ASEAVA)

The Spanish Association of criadores of livestock beef selecto of the Asturian race of the Valleys (ASEAVA) is a non-profit organisation whose end is the promotion of the race and the defence of the interests of the graziers associated.

Constituted in the year 1981, has national field and is recognised officially by the Ministry of Agriculture like Entity Collaborator for the gestión of the Genealogical Book of the Asturian race of the Valleys.

Simultaneously to this work, the Association realises works of:

- Promotion by means of organisation of auctions, exhibitions and contests.
- Gestión of the Program of Selection and Genetic Improvement of the race.
- Courses of learning and talks to graziers.
- Technical advice to his associated.
- Commercialisation of semen and embryos through ASTURGEN S.L.
- Interlocución Between the graziers and the distinct Administrations.
- Promotion and commercialisation of meat of the mark XATA ROXA.
- Publication of books and magazines.
- Participation in projects of investigation related with the race.