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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at STEF instala paneles solares en su plataforma de transporte de Bruselas

STEF Installs solar panels in his platform of transport of Brussels


1 July 2013

STEF Transport Saintes turns into the first platform of transport of the Group STEF in Belgium instrumented with solar panels. The platform autoabastecerá to 100% of the electricity produced. This investment shows the commitment purchased by STEF to have of innovative installations that respect the environingingment.


Treats of a surface instrumented with photovoltaic panels of 1.664 m² (total surface of the cover 4.000 m²). With 1.035 solar panels. The installed power is of 250 kWh. The annual production estimated is of 210.000 kWh and the equivalent production to the electrical consumption is of 36 homes. It will suppose a reduction of 540 tonnes of broadcasts of CO2 in 10 years.

Treats of a compound installation by panels of polycrystalline silicon of CanadianSolar. An installation realizar in autonomous structure lastrada.

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"En Asealen llevamos ya tres años trabajando para que el desarrollo de las instalaciones de almacenamiento sea una realidad, para que sean parte propia del proceso de descarbonización del sector energético, no solo del sector eléctrico"


