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ACWA shows confidence in China solar CSP players

Redacción Energía de Hoy19/01/2018

Head-quartered in Saudi Arabia, ACWA Power is a developer, investor, co-owner and operator of a portfolio of power generation and desalinated water production plants currently with presence in 10 countries including in the Middle East and North Africa, Southern Africa and South East Asia regions.

In recent years, ACWA Power has been active in participating PV, wind and CSP projects. Record performance in installed capacity and bidding price make ACWA Power well-known to all solar industry player.

The CSP projects ACWA Power gets involved include DEWA 700MW CSP project (consorted with China’s Shanghai Electric), Morocco Noor1&2&3 CSP projects and Bokpoort & Redstone projects in South Africa.

As one of the global top solar CSP and PV project developers, ACWA Power is open to share experience and expertise on CSP project development. In the upcoming CSP Focus China 2018 Mar.22-23 Beijing conference, representative from ACWA Power will come to China and share the experience in solar CSP plant development, CSP industry value chain and purchasing standards.

ACWA Power expressed confidence in China CSP value chain, China enterprises would be ranked among the top in CSP core component and materials supply.

As a project developer and investor, ACWA Power would authorize EPC contractor to offer a purchasing plan, at the same time, take the suggestions from the third parties such as Owner’s Engineer. The final purchase decision will be made after considerate assessment of the purchasing plan and supplier list and estimation of product technology, price and some other elements.

ACWA has been communicated with some of Chinese manufacturers of receiver tubes, heat transfer fluids and molten salts etc.

Although China CSP players are short of practical experience on product supplement, ACWA has confidence in China suppliers. In fact, “Made in China” has obvious advantages in both of price and technology innovation.

For those China CSP companies who aim to extend overseas business, they should continue product research input. Furthermore, cost reduction and project experience accumulation will provide a sound basis for international expansion.

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