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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Anfalum recuerda los criterios de ahorro en iluminación, en el Día Mundial de la Eficiencia Energética

Anfalum Remembers the criteria of saving in lighting, in the World-wide Day of the Energetic Efficiency


5 March 2013

The Spanish Association of Manufacturers of Lighting (Anfalum) promotes the use of the lighted up intelligent and of the most efficient technologies for the sector of the lighting in the World-wide Day of the Energetic Efficiency, that celebrates each 5 of marzo.el objective of this day is to remember to the companies, administrations and citizens the importance of the saving of power, that goes through to use the technology of the most efficient form possible.

Like association of reference in the sector of the lighting, Anfalum boosts the utilisation of the intelligent lighting, thanks to which can reach near savings to 80%. For this, is necessary that the installations of lighted up, inner and external, are prepared for the new technologies and allow to be regulated.With a more intelligent utilisation of the installations (combination of the natural sunlight with the artificial, zoning, time control, of presence, etc.), the consumption realises only when and where is necessary.

But in addition to the new technologies in the installations, also is important to use new products of lighting, that allow a greater performance. In this case, they stand out the luminarias of low consumption and, especially, the LEDs, called to concentrate 60% of the market in 2020, according to a report of Anfalum in 2012.

Considered like the source of the future, the LED's have multiple advantages regarding the traditional sources, as long as they take into account the technical criteria, the quality of the product and the guarantee of the manufacturer. In this sense, Anfalum clears that the implantation of the technology LED has to go of the hand of professionals properly accredited.

Renewal of the park of lighted up in Spain

According to figures of Anfalum, at present 85% of the buildings does not possess characteristics of lighted up intelligent; and 90% of the lighted up external of streets and roads only has regulation to light and turn off. In accordance with some studies, near of 80% of the European buildings will be valid in 2050. Taking into account that the Spanish group is one of the most current of the EU, the renewal in our country will be slower, by what inside 40 years near of 90% of the lighting of the buildings in Spain will keep on being the same that the current.

By this reason, according to Pilar Vázquez, president of Anfalum, “the potential of saving is very elevated in Spain and, although it is unthinkable to change all the points of lighted up, yes that it can do of staggered form, taking advantage of the subsidies of the administration, allocated to the energetic saving of the sector of the lighting”.

Anfalum Bets by that the energetic efficiency has to make compatible with other two characteristics of big importance, that are the performance of the luminaria and the confort visual. Without the correct balance between these three parameters, an installation will be badly designed and will bring problems along all his useful life.

From Anfalum pretends create an authentic consciousness of suitable use of the resources, moving away of companies and opportunist individuals, that only approach to this term in search of niches of market to achieve profits. Therefore, from Anfalum pleads for the utilisation of products and installations of quality, and of marks recognised, as those that form part of the association.

In these moments, the responsibility and guarantee are key factors, especially, in technologies like the LED, whose useful life is of 40.000 hours.

Spain, world-wide referent in Smart Cities

In the year 2050, 75% of the world-wide population will live in cities, by what the transformation of the urban areas in intelligent cities does increasingly necessary. Conscious of this reality, Spain already has initiated the change and at present erige like international referent in the field Smart City with some of the most intelligent cities of the world: Málaga, Barcelona, Santander and Madrid.

Inside Anfalum goes to constitute próximamente a group of work on Smart Cities that pretends to move this idea to all the Spanish manufacturers.

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