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Tile of Spain Participates in Cevisama 2013


5 February 2013

The ceramic sector Spanish is a more leading year indisputable of the contest Cevisama with the participation of a big number of companies azulejeras that expose his products and novelties. In addition to signatures of ceramics, the fair receives display units of companies devoted to coatings for the construction, saneamiento, grifería, raw materials, enamels and fritas, etc., with which completes an extraordinary offer for the professional visitor.

Edition after edition and thanks to the constant effort in innovation and the high quality of the display units, Cevisama consolidates his position in the international calendar of fairs of the sector of materials for the habitat and like the Spanish fair that more foreign visitors receives and positions .

Ascer and Icex have elaborated a program of activities with the object to promote the Spanish ceramics under the generic mark ‘Tile of Spain' / ‘Ceramic of Spain', in which it stands out the presence of numerous journalists of international means as well as of prescriptores of numerous countries.

In this edition will come around 85 invited skilled means in interiorismo, architecture or materials of pertinent construction of 24 countries, between which stand out Germany, USA, France, Russia, Italy, United Kingdom, India, Scandinavian countries, Turkey, Poland, Romania, Ukraine, among others.

Like all the years, Ascer will organise the second day of fair an international presses conference where present the main figures of the sector, as well as the projects of future and sectorial novelties. After the conference, celebrates the delivery of the XI edition of the Ceramic Prizes, with the categories of architecture, Interiorismo, Project End of Career and Journalism.

By ninth consecutive year, the fair will receive the sample Trans/Milestones of architecture and Interiorismo in Ceramics under the lemma of 'Geometries'. In this occasion, the ceramics composes geometrical spaces that in addition to showing the possibilities that offer the technological advances, serve to house the projects and proposals of architects, designers and professionals of the habitat, that choose the ceramics like effective weapon to attain quality, efficiency and beauty. In Trans/Milestones 2013, basing us in Geometries, build new spaces with the Earth (Geo-) and to measure (-metria) of the people that inhabit it. The sample will be able to visit in the Level 2 of the Mall Central of the enclosure ferial.

This year, the sample Trans/Milestones 2013: ‘Geometries', will receive in one of his spaces the sample ‘Expocátedra 2013: Ceramics and architecture' that presents a selection of the best works of students of the Network of Chairs of Ceramics on the contributions of the baldosa ceramic to the architecture. The exhibition gathers numerous projects whose common denominator is a decided bet by the investigation in the integration of the ceramics in sustainable architectural solutions.

Also will show in Trans/Milestones the exhibition of the main projects of the XI Ceramic Prizes of architecture and Interiorismo, that organises Ascer.

On the other hand, beside the stand of Ascer in fair –and in front of the sample Trans/Milestones- Tile of Spain has enabled a ‘meeting point' for the international presses invited to fair. A place where can relax and find with colleagues of different countries to exchange opinions and impressesions of the fair.

Cevisama Lab

The Forum of architecture and Design of Cevisama Lab has explained from his creation with the intervention of architects, designers and interioristas of international prestige. The Forum spreads experiences and projects along three days, focused always to the use of the ceramics and the equipment of bathroom.

The Wednesday 6 February, the cycle of conferences will open with the Industrial Design. It will be the designer Javier Mañosa of Apparatu, the attendant to do a review of his projects with ceramics. The Thursday 7 February, the avant-garde will come of the hand of the French designer Sophie Poppelier of Minus Studio the one who will share last works of Interiorismo with the assistants.

To finalise, the Friday the leadership will be for the ceramics in architecture. It will celebrate a moderate round table by the Valencian architect Enrique Fernández-Vivancos in which they will participate the winning Ceramic Prize Ascer 2012. Ramón Fernández-Alonso Borrajo and the study Sol 89, will be the attendants to explain the reason of the election of the ceramics like element diferenciador in his projects.

Like brooch of gold after the debate, the known Belgian study Robberch in Daem will close the cycle of conferences explaining his vision of the ceramic material and the application of this in his ideas.

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