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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Tecnalia organiza las II Jornadas de Seguridad ante Incendio basada en Prestaciones

Tecnalia organises the II Days of hygiene in front of Fire based in Provision


12 December 2012

The surroundings globalizado and the current economic situation carry to that the vectors of differentiation and internationalisation are increasingly necessary in all company that exert his work in almost any sector, being especially key in the one of the construction in general, and for the one of the protection against fires in particular.

In singular enclosures and open spaces, the valid international rule promotes the utilisation of methodologies advanced of analysis of the evolution and consequences of the fire, with the aim to define requests optimised of protection that carry to the design and construction of edificaciones safer and sustainable.

Tecnalia, to the avant-garde of the study advanced of hygiene in front of fire in Europe, promotes this day that will celebrate the next 18 December in Bilbao and that pretends to be meeting point and of reference for designers, architects, proyectistas, validadores, equipment of extinction and rescue and all those agents that take part in each one of the phases of a project of hygiene in front of fire.

Along different reports given by experts of different companies of reference, will put in value methodologies of design that allow to optimise the investment in measures of protection giving place to buildings and infrastructures more competitive, more sustainable and at the same time safer.

‘Approach prestacional of the hygiene in case of fire. New singular projects in the area of the Big Bilbao', given by Pedro Luis Izaga Alonso (deputy director of Civil defence. Area of hygiene. City council of Bilbao) or ‘Engineering of hygiene in front of fire. Doctrine and challenges of future in an international context', given by Fernando Morente Belmez (manager of the team of hygiene in front of fire and explosions of Tecnalia), are alone two examples of the thematic to treat during the day.

Of equal way, will present cases of application in emblematic buildings in Bilbao as they are the Alhóndiga or the basses of the Bridge of Deusto, as well as another series of cases so much national like international that have allowed, by means of the utilisation of technologies advanced of numerical modelling, a design and construction more efficient and rational with all the guarantees of hygiene.

The day will have the support and participation of Tecnifuego – Aespi, as well as of the Steering of Civil defence of the City council of Bilbao, and freamers in the development of the work of the European project MACS+, whose aim has been recopilar the state of the knowledge of the methodologies for the analysis of the hygiene in case of fire in search of designs in which the measures of protection are really optimised.

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