Persycom Madrid, S.L. - Venetian blinds and cladding systems


Persiana extrusionada Of lick orientables: it allows to control the quantity of light, temperature and ventilation of the house

Picture of Persiana extrusionada Of lick orientables
The orientation of lick them of Persyroll allows to control the quantity of light, temperature and ventilation of the house.

It possesses an opening of until 120 degrees. By his design, is the only persiana orientable of the market that can not bascular if it is closed.

They use the last technology in motorisation. It allows to have, in the same operator, of the accionamiento manual and road irradiate, without need of external switchboards, avoiding like this possible anomalies produced by inhibidores of frequency. Even, it allows the centralisation without cables.

They manufacture in aluminium extrusionado, by what when being done of an alone piece, without boards, weldings neither unions, guarantee the greater resistance and durability. The blinds elaborate and mount entirely with components of high quality. It offers the possibility to include the tight drawer Fusion of aluminium extrusionado of 1,6 mm of thickness by the outside and PVC of double septum with camera by the interior.

The customer will be able to choose the colour of the aluminium lacado well of the letter RAL or of the distinct wooden imitations. Even, anodizados of the aluminium, previously impossible in this type of blinds.