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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at FCC, adjudicataria de una importante obra de ferrocarril en el País Vasco

FCC, awarded a major work of railway in the Basque country


February 18, 2010

The Department of transport and public works of the Government of the Basque country has awarded fcc Construcción in joint venture with Lurgoien, the works of the platform of the new railway network of the Basque country, stretch: Bergara-Anzuola, Guipúzcoa, by an amount of EUR 106,5 million.

The works will be carried out within a period of 35.5 months and include the implementation of a stretch of 4.3 km long route, which includes the construction of the tunnel of Kortatxo-Sakón, meters in length and section free interior of 85 m2that it excavará by conventional means, blasting with explosives and mechanical means. The maintenance will be made by shotcrete and bolts, you cerchas and welded mesh.

A gallery of emergency, parallel to the tunnel, 2,750 metres in length and 26 m2 of free section that will communicate with the tunnel through seven galleries of connection is also excavará. Also planned a landing area for helicopters on the outside of the Gallery of emergency.

The work also includes the viaduct of Antzina, of 164 meters in length with 4 spans and 14 meters wide platform, with type of prestressed concrete box.

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