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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Himoinsa México incrementa un 90% su volumen de ventas en el mercado rental en 2013

Himoinsa Mexico increases 90% his volume of sales in the market rental in 2013


12 December 2013

The subsidiary of Himoinsa in Mexico has experienced in 2013 an important growth in the market of the rent where has increased his volume of sales 90%. In these moments, the country finds waiting for that approve an energetic reform, with which private companies will invest freely in projects of investigation and exploitation of yacimientos in Mexico. The manager of Himoinsa Mexico, Juan Pablo Basich, ensures that “with the energetic reform will come a considerable increase in the demand of generation of power” and esteem in 50% the increase of the sales of Himoinsa in the sector of the rent for 2014 in Mexico.

In this sense, important companies alquiladoras like the international Network-D-Arc, pertaining to the Group Airgas, with which Himoinsa works in Mexico from 2011, has showed his satisfaction by the quality of the power generators Himoinsa and the “flexibility that from the beginning showed the company”, affirms Hiram Ojeda, General manager of Network-D-Arc in Mexico.

Important companies alquiladoras like Network-D-Arc show his interest by the power generators Himoinsa
Important companies alquiladoras like Network-D-Arc show his interest by the power generators Himoinsa.
The market of the generation of power in the sector of the rent in Mexico has the eyes put in projects like the designated Etileno 21, in Coatzacoalcos and Lagoon of Pajaritos in Veracruz, considered like the main project of the petrochemical industry of the last 20 years in Mexico. “The market of the rent in this country is very volatile, but are carrying out important negotiations and will access to big projects for which will have the power generators Himoinsa”, adds Ojeda.

By his part, the president of Network-D-Arc, Mitch Imielinski affirms that the relation with Himoinsa is excellent and that from the beginning always have valued “the quality of his power generators and the flexibility of his productive process”. A relation that started in 2011 in Mexico and that continued with the purchase of important units for the North American market. Now they study to extend this relation to other markets like the one of United Kingdom, Germany and France, considered by Mitch like “the main European markets for the sector rental”. Of equal way, Network-D-Arc has put the eyes in Half Orient, where Himoinsa has a commercial subsidiary and where will experience an important development in the sector of the rent in the next four years.

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Himoinsa, S.L.

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