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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at La normativa Reach, clave en el futuro de la química transformadora
Experts predict that the implementation of the Reach Regulation will have a strong impact on transforming chemistry

The Reach legislation, key in the future of transforming chemistry

María Escribano01/08/2004
Sarrià Chemical Institute (IQS) has submitted a study on the technology trends of future manufacturing Chemistry (or development), in which about 200 Spanish experts have given their opinion on the future of each of the activities of this sub-sector with respect to other European countries.
The future of the chemical industry will be conditional on the entry into force of the new EU regulation Reach (registration, evaluation and authorisation of chemicals), which will force to check the safety of any chemical product manufactured above one tonne per year.

This new regulation, which affect the European chemical industry in general, will also have important consequences in the subsector of processing chemistry, which includes products such as paints, varnishes, adhesives, printing inks, cleaning products, perfumes and cosmetics, and essential oils, among others.

Aware of its importance, the Observatory Foundation of Prospectiva Tecnológica Industrial (OPTI), through the Sarrià Chemical Institute (IQS), has conducted a study of prospective technological processing chemistry, in which about 200 Spanish experts outlined their views on the future of each of the activities of this sub-sector with respect to other European countries.

The study is part of the work of the OPTI Foundation carried out since 1998 and in which the IQS is responsible for directing and carrying out studies of the chemical sector.

Photography: Dupont
Photography: Dupont
This work was recently presented to the public by the director-general of the IQS, Enric Julià, and has counted with the participation of the director-general of the OPTI, Jesús Rodríguez Cortezo, Foundation and the Vice President and general counsel of FeiqueJuan José Nava.

The cost inherent in progress

Experts predict that the implementation of the Reach Regulation will have a strong impact on processing chemistry. Therefore, despite having a large weight in the Spanish industry, this subsector should be a great effort in order to compete with other European countries.

Processing chemistry should go to great lengths in order to compete with the rest of European countries

Photography: Ciba
Photography: Ciba
Before the implementation of this regulation, provided for a minimum term of twelve years since its adoption, industry Spanish bet, as in every crisis, for its ability to overcome, and assumes the cost involved in the Reach as something inherent to progress.

In economic terms, experts point to an increase in the costs of development that will force the companies to a reduction in their catalog of products to product key or priority, and the disappearance or absorption of many companies, especially small and mediumUnable to cope with the costs of checking that the new regulation imposes.

In the same vein, the experts predict a stagnation of the European chemical industry for the loss of competitiveness against United States and Japan, diverting production to less demanding emerging countries (Asia, Latin America).

By manufacturing products of daily life (paints, coatings, perfumes...), will be required to processing chemistry that the safety of their products be tested and that they may be more ecological and green. This will entail the replacement of products derived from oil of natural origin and to the employment of Biochemistry and biotechnology in the development of new products.

New ranges of raw materials and products finished, possibly more expensive, but consistent with the requirements of the consumer, who will be well informed about the products you use will appear as a result.

Similarly, companies in the sector of processing chemistry will invest more in r & d. Likewise, the experts envisage the creation of accredited testing laboratories and the development of new technologies to meet the requirements of the Reach Regulation and realization of products manufactured in highly automated installationsyou are also responsible to companies in all related to the product and its use (for example, packaging, waste).

A subsector on the rise

During 2001, the chemical sector achieved a production of 49.978 million euros, generating 251.000 direct jobs. 18.3 Percent of the turnover of the chemical sector (9.146 million euros) corresponded to the subsector of the chemistry of transformation, thus occupying the third position and seeing only surpassed by the subsector of processing of plastic and rubber (28.8 per cent) and basic chemistry (25.6 percent).

Grab, 18.1 percent of employment (45.431 jobs) generated by the chemical industry during the 2001 corresponds to the subsector of processing chemistry, percentage which was only surpassed by the subsector of processing of plastic and rubber (42 percent).

Photo: Basf
Photo: Basf

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