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Technology for daily experiments in life sciences laboratories

Scanner Odyssey, maximum accuracy in the detection of samples below or overloaded

Source: Afora 29/03/2010

March 29, 2010

With the Odyssey system generates images from excitation and emission of fluorescent molecules in the near infrared range (IR). This technology uses the advantages of the fluorescence in the infrared range for a wide range of experiments on the day of any life science laboratory. The images detected, with great precision, if to investigate samples are below or overloaded.
The Odyssey system has versatile software for the generation of images and data processing
The Odyssey system has versatile software for the generation of images and data processing.

Basically, the Odyssey Infrared Imaging System is the system equipped with the technology most innovative and versatile for a wide variety of daily experiments in any life science laboratory. This scanner produces images based on excitation and emission of fluorescent molecules in the near infrared range (IR). Infrared radiation, thermal radiation or IR radiation is a type of electromagnetic radiation of higher wavelength than visible light, but less than the microwaves. IE has less frequently than visible light and greater than the microwaves. All body whose temperature is greater than 0 Kelvin, i.e. �, 15 degrees C (absolute zero) emits infrared radiation. The Odyssey system uses the fluorescence in the infrared range which has various advantages compared to methods of fluorescence in the visible range. To cite a few examples, this technology reduces, to negligible levels, interference by absorption and/or scattering of light (light scattering), and autofluorescencia of cellular components, microplate or other compounds, allowing the collection of quantitative data. Thus, this technical solution brings innovative benefits to a wide range of techniques, using fluorophores go, regardless of photographic film, reactive developers, radioactive isotopes, and so on. The Odyssey scanner is equipped with a powerful and intuitive software to analyze images and process data. The large dynamic range of images allow accurate and precise detection of samples below or overloaded in experiments.

Odyssey uses the fluorescence in the infrared range with advantages over methods of fluorescence in the visible range. It also boasts a powerful and intuitive software to analyze images and processing data

Li-Cor Bioscences and the possibilities of infrared fluorescence

Li-Cor Bioscences makes possible the analysis of samples 'Multiplex' thanks to its two channels of detection. I.e., it allows to generate and quantify two totally independent and superimposable images of fluorescence (fluoróforos with absorption in 685 nm and/or 785 nm), allowing studies of Colocalization in a single step, such as those for Western Blots of phosphorylated forms and without a protein phosphorylate. In short, Li-Cor Biosciences systems use the great sensitivity of the infrared fluorescence for images with the maximum ratio signal/noise for the detection and/or quantification.

Coomassie, one of the applications of the Odyssey scanner
Coomassie, one of the applications of the Odyssey scanner.

Unique to various techniques technology

With more than 18 years of experience in infrared technology, Li-Cor Biosciences designers provide a unique solution designed for multiple techniques. For example:

Membranes: Basically Western Blot (conjugated antibodies), Southern Blot (conjugate probes) and Northern Blot (conjugate probes).

Quantitative immunofluorescence on two channels: microplate 96 or 384 wells, cells in monolayer or suspension (conjugated antibodies or stains of DNA) and histological cuts: slide (conjugated antibodies).

Gels: Protein 1 d and 2D (protein and conjugated antibodies, Coomassie Blue), Emsa (conjugate probes) and DNA (DNA stain).

In vitro: Flisa (Fluorophore-Linked Immunosorbent Assay), arrays of proteins (conjugated antibodies), arrays of cDNA (conjugate probes) and testing activity of proteases (Péptido + fluorophore + Quencher).

In vivo imaging: Molecular imaging of mice (conjugate probes).

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