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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at La FCRI promueve Cataluña como destino de talento científico

The FCRI promotes Catalonia as a destination for scientific talent


January 23, 2009

The Fundació Catalana per a the research and innovation (FCRI) participates for the first time as representative of the Catalan system of research and innovation in the thirteenth Mit European Career Fair (ECF) held from 24 to 26 January in the Campus of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Mit) in CambridgeMassachusetts (United States). The event, organized by the Mit European Club in collaboration with the European Commission, convened annually institutions, companies and European research systems that present and disseminate their work opportunities for highly qualified, resident research staff in the United States.

Under the slogan ' Attracting scientific talent to Catalonia', the FCRI has a stand at the ECF containing information and offers of work by dozens of institutions and Catalan research centers with the aim of promoting the ability of attraction of scientific talent of Catalonia based on a system of research and innovation attractive and a structure of placement that facilitates the integration of researchers.

The Foundation has opened the initiative to all universities and Catalan research centers, following their strategic lines claiming, from his area of research talent, promote new actions aimed at facilitating the incorporation of scientific talent in the Catalan research and innovation system and promote Catalonia as a destination for researchers.

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Fundació Catalana per a La Recerca i La Innovació

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