Joskin, S.A. - Manure spreader trailers

Joskin Ferti-CAP

Esparcidor Of muck: manufactured in steel of high limit of elasticity HLE

Picture of Esparcidor Of muck
The range Joleather Ferti-CAP directs mainly to the small agriculturalists in the research of a simple machine, effective and multifuncional. The range divides between 7 and 14 tonnes.

The conception of box of Ferti-CAP is similar to the one of the agricultural tubs Joleather. Entirely manufactured in steel of high limit of elasticity HLE, the box monocasco forms by a succession of folded consecutive of the main sheet, what confers him a lot of resistance

The vertical cylinders of the Ferti-CAP allow an esparcimiento on widths of 8 to 10 metres according to the matters. The reversible hooks of steel Hardox are very fine and allow an esparcimiento very fluent.

The Ferti-CAP is instrumented with a suspension of launches it by parabolic plates, ideal to ensure a confort of optimum driving.