Joskin, S.A. - Manure spreaders and tanks

Joskin Módulo 2 8400 ME / Win Pack 8403

Cuba of purín: with it launches by transversal crossbow

Picture of Cuba of purín
The Win Pack is a simple and effective alternative to the program of manufacture "to the letter" Joskin. %aSu Concept bases in the manufacture in series of tubs of purín or baths with an equipment predetermined and carefully chosen by the service of pre-sale and the technical service. Headed to a general clientele as specific, the Win Pack combines the different options that propose in the range of tubs and baths. These vehicles do not allow modifications of greater order. ?l Win Pack 8403 is the Cuba of purín Module 2 has launches by crossbow (transversal) and security of overpressure of on the tub. The stick low has 3 orifices embridados: lateral left and right, and backside. To the left it has a valve antidesbordamiento (security of bomb) and debugger autodrenado of 30 l. The racores are Perrot with esparcidor exact and hydraulic rear gate of 6” of simple effect. It has of 4 m of tube in PVC Ø 8” with hooks carries-tubes in both sides, manometer Ø 100 , hemispherical peephole 2” and boxes of illumination. His bottom is of 600 mm.