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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Afre alerta del uso desproporcionado del agua en España
Each Spanish consumes of average some 2325 cubic metres of water to the year, the equivalent to an olympic swimming pool

Afre Alerts of the disproportionate use of the water in Spain

Editorial Interempresas08/03/2013
From the convencimiento that of the hand of the saving of water will come also the economic growth and under the lemma Save to grow, the Association of Companies of Spanish Technology of Water (AFRE) invites to the Administration and to the Society to reflexionar on the saving and the efficient use of the water. “The sustainability is today the future and is already profitable”, affirms Miguel López, director of the association.

“Being our country one of the world-wide referents in efficient gestión of the water, is missing us quite way for visiting in the subject of the saving”, continuous saying the director of AFRE. Spain has one of the footprints hídricas [1] higher of the world, with a consumption of 2325 cubic metres per person to the year, a quantity very above the average (1240 cubic metres), that moves us away of countries very industrialised like Japan or United Kingdom, that are underneath of her. Likewise, the freshwater total extraction equipment equipment per capita[2] in Spain it all the uses is of 699 cubic metres, an also high figure.


To be able to reduce our consumption is necessary to involve to the group of the society. Of this form, could arrive to achieve until 35% of saving of water. This is the aim of the Strategy 2020: Smart Water Tecnologies of AFRE, that pursues the generalisation of the technologies ahorradoras of the water, the smart water tecnologies.

Immersed in a deep economic crisis, only will find the necessary investment for the reflation of the market of the technologies of the water and the creation of employment in the own saving that star the companies and users of the water in the different economic sectors. “We are all we those that have to do that the things work better”, signals Xavier Torras, brand and communication director of Rock, the one who aims directly to the fault of awareness and information of part of the society and contributes data like that 2.500 million people in the world do not have still of drinkable water and other 1.500 million people do not have easy access to her. In this line manifests also Antonio R. Díaz, general director of the Scientific Park of Madrid: “To world-wide level remains a lot of work that do in the gestión and efficient treatment of the water. The companies that decide to bet for developing technologies and sustainable solutions to this problem have a global market where expand his business”.

Besides, also are necessary measures like the 'plans renove', llevar already in other sectors. A so important challenge like the saving and efficient use of the water of the that depend so many generations en el futuro, can not remain to the margin of public and private helps. The Plans of Incentives to Efficient Technologies of the Water (Plans PITEA) will be one of the requests by part of the association to the public servicy.

In the frame of the strategy, includes also a plan of action that promote the investment in R&D and the internationalisation of our companies, like road to follow developing given the adverse conditions that find in our country.

On the other hand, and on the same line of performance that proposes AFRE, the learning purchases also a notable character. Thus, universities, companies and schools of businesses have joined to set up the School of the Water-School of Businesses of the Water (EA-ENA). “The EA-ENA pretends to consolidate the specific field of the water with courses more skilled and profesionalizados”, says Ignasi Rodríguez-Roda, coordinator of the Campus of International Excellence of Euromediterráneo of the Tourism and the Water (and-MTA).

The EA-ENA will be able to under way to finals of the next month of September and will have of a wide formative offer headed to directors, executives and emprendedores of the sector of the water, as well as to the learning of professionals and technicians in the intelligent gestión of the water in the different sectors and economic activities.

[1] Footprint hídrica: total Volume of freshwater used to produce the goods and services consumed by a person.

[2] per capita freshwater extraction equipment equipment equipment: freshwater half Volume per person used in a country it all the uses (municipal, industrial and agricultural).

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