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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Los ingresos por abastecimiento de agua crecieron un 4% en 2011
Conclusions of the study ‘Sectors', of DBK: “distribution of Water”

The income by supply of water grew 4% in 2011


26 January 2012

The volume of business generated by the activity of supply of water reached in 2011 the 3.225 million euros, what supposed a growth of 4% with regard to the previous year. This tendency sustentó in the increase of prices, since the consumption went back to register a moderate descent. In front of the maturity of the national market, the main operators are improving the diversification to other businesses related with the integral cycle of the water, as well as the international activity.

The promotion of the rational use of the water and the improvement of the planning and reuse of the resources hídricos, joined to the desfavorable coyuntura economic, have motivated a downward path of the consumption of water in Spain during the last years.

Like this, estimates that the volume of water resupplied closed the exercise 2011 with a decrease of 2,4%, inferior, nevertheless, to the fall of 3,5% contabilizada in the previous year, until situating in some 3.300 hectómetros cubic (Note: water resupplied in public networks of urban supply. It excludes agricultural sector).

The volume of water resupplied closed the exercise 2011 with a decrease of 2,4%
The volume of water resupplied closed the exercise 2011 with a decrease of 2,4%.

More than 71% of the consumption of water corresponds to the homes, being of 20% the quota of consumption of the industry, the service sector and the livestock, and of 9% the one of the municipal consumptions and other uses.

In a context of increase of the prices, the volume of business by the activity of supply finalised 2011 with an increase estimated of 4%, until reaching the 3.225 million euros. For 2012 and 2013 they foresee variations of 3,6% and 4,8%, respectively.

Like road to compensate the maturity of the national market of supply, reflected in the shortage of new adjudications, the main operators of the sector will continue improving the diversification to other businesses related with the management of the integral cycle of the water, as well as the international activity.

Structure of the offer

At the beginning of 2011, the number of companies devoted to the catchment, distribution and depuración of water situated in 2.887, 0,2% more than in the previous year, concentrating the Valencian Community 24,8% of the total, followed of Andalucia, with 17,7%.

The tendency to the outsourcing of the services of the integral cycle of the water by part of the local public Administrations in the last years has had like consequence a strengthening of the presence of the main private operators of the sector, which, besides, have carried out an active politics of acquisition of companies.

In terms of turnover, the sector shows a high degree of concentration of the activity. Like this, the five first operators gathered of conjoint form 43,6% of the value of the market of supply in 2010, percentage that elevated until 57% when considering the group of the ten first.

DBK Is a skilled Spanish company in the manufacturing of studies of sectorial analysis and of the competition, participated by Informs D&B, company of the Group CESCE, leader in the supply of commercial information, financial and of marketing in Spain and Portugal.

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