AGME Automated Assembly Solutions - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
AGME Automated Assembly Solutions
Apalategi Kalea, 7 - Apartado de Correos 263
20600 Eibar (Gipuzkoa) Spain
☎:  +34‑943121608  
🖷:  +34‑943121572
Manufacture of machines to measure, riveters and presses.

The vicinity of the company location is being shown.

AGME Automated Assembly Solutions

Industries AGME is a company with more than 60 years of experience inside the field of the deformation, assembling and labeling. This, joined to a continuous work of R&D, accredit to AGME like specialist in the design and manufacture of riveters and presses, as well as in the development of machines to measure. AGME Offers personalised solutions “key in hand” designing and manufacturing custom-made special machinery of the needs of production and automation of his customers.

This signature eibarresa advances in the technologies offered to a so fast rhythm as to the that progress the improvements of the machine-tool and the market. His special machines include technologies of last generation (remachado, pressesing, clinchado, artificial vision...) Contributing value added and competitive advantages for the users. In addition to assembling of metal, inside the technologies that incorporate his special machines can stand out:
- Assembling of plastics by ultrasounds
- Machines of test and essay
- Labeling laser
- Application of fats and tails

Likewise, the mission of AGME and his values do that the obtaining of the maximum quality, technology and service to the customer are the pillars on which assent his activity. AGME Has of high technology, apt to fulfil the technical specifications of the most demanding customers, loaning always maximum attention to his needs of productivity. Besides, the reliability that offer his products supposes an amortizable investment in a period of time very short.
Thanks to all this, AGME has consolidated like signature of reference so much in the national market as in the main external markets. This company centres his commercial activity in markets already consolidated of Western Europe (Germany, United Kingdom and Spain mainly) and in other emergent markets like Poland, Czech Republic, Brazil, Mexico and China. Besides, his special machinery, riveters and presses can find in the main industrial states, standing out especially in the one of the automotive sector, locksmithing, aparellaje electrical and appliances.