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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at 3M impulsa el desarrollo de soluciones para la purificación y el tratamiento de fluidos en su nuevo Centro de Innovación

3M promotes the development of solutions for the purification and the treatment of fluids in his new Centre of Innovation


11 December 2013

The new Centre of Innovation of 3M for Spain and Portugal aspires to turn into a referent in the so much European innovation like international. With a functional design and some installations that cover the 3.000m2, divides in four plants that, in addition to having 12 laboratories and zones of experimentation, are instrumented with distinct areas designed for the generation of new ideas. Like this, it is cream with the aim to facilitate the exchange of science applied and knowledge between 3M and his customers, and has the purpose to put of self-evident the commitment that the company has purchased no only with the growth and the competitiveness of the economy, but also with the innovation and the sustainability.

Between the multiple zones of work of the Centre stands out a laboratory designed, of specific form, for the ideation of new solutions of purification and leak of fluids. Instrumented with the last advances, this space is thought to attend concrete needs of industries like the alimentary, the chemist, the miner, the oil or the chemicals, as well as those that arise in the field of the home. In this way, so much if it treats of residential applications like commercial, here propose technicians directed to the energetic efficiency, the greater performance of the processes, the lower wear of pieces and the greater quality of the water.

New Centre of Innovation of 3M for Spain and Portugal
New Centre of Innovation of 3M for Spain and Portugal.

On the other hand, the learning presents like a key element, by what in this laboratory has enabled a specific area for this work. Through audiovisual material and supporting in the wide equipación technical, the scientists and technical personnel of this division can explain the process and the concepts of leak of a practical way, realizar proofs for the selection of the most suitable processes, evaluate the exert of the filters according to the system of each customer in particular and, even, develop new applications.

The control of production along all the process allows to ensure the excellence of the service. Thus, the area of development of solutions for the leak has a team of measurement 3M Minicheck, that helps to check the integrity of the cartridges filtrantes and detects those that are damaged. Likewise, it has endowed to these installations with spectrophotometer, that facilitates the realisation of analysis of routine for all type of waters and that it is able to measure the components and detect the contaminantes present in said half.

This wide equipment complements , besides, with a turbidímetro, that provides information on the turbidez of a liquid indicating his degree of transparency, and with a reflectómetro, that measures the presence of contaminantes in fluids by means of the deviation of do them of light that happen through a sample.

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