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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Robots en líneas de fabricación de puertas
Complete automation of an installation

Robots in lines of manufacture of doors

Stefanie Senft31/01/2013
If it asks what will have been of those boys that there was not form to distract of his toys of construction in the kindergarten, will find the answer in the plants of production of Kraft Maschinenbau. In the company find to visionarios and artífices able to create impressesive installations, loaded to know and with fascinantes functions. If what looks for is an apparently impossible solution for his line of production, will do well in taking contact with Kraft Maschinenbau. In the installations of Kraft, for the automation robotizada employ the flexible robots of Kuka Roboter GmbH.

The familiar company Kraft was founded in 1816 by Franz Adam Kraft as it forges for trucks in Mastholte and has 450 employees delivered in three plants of production; his main competition is the development and the manufacture of special solutions for distinct processes of production in the fields of the transport, the storage, the manipulation, the mechanised, the setting, the automation or the packaging. Kraft Has specialised in the manufacture of machines and installations for the production of pieces of furniture, doors, wooden ironingings and parquet, as well as of materials for the industry of the insulating and constructive elements. The competitions of Kraft cover the planning, the construction, the programming and the put in service of complete solutions, systems of automation and lines of production for a lot of sectors and markets. In cooperation with the customers elaborate custom-made solutions to satisfy the specific requirements. Apart from the value added contributed by the own company, for these solutions employ exclusively components and systems of known manufacturers. In applications with integrated cheese cheese robots, these come from of Kuka.

Before a machine or installation abandon the plant of Kraft, proceeds to his setting and put in operation in the big destined ships to the final setting. The installers, that have of big experience in the setting of installations of production very complex, occupy also to realise the setting in the installations of the customer. One of the main specialitys of the company Kraft is the construction of installations automated and concatenated for the manufacture of doors.

“Our strong point is just the concatenation of individual sections in installations. In our company works a team, highly motivated, that occupies of the programming of the software”, explains Ferdinand Kraft, manager of Kraft Maschinenbau GmbH in sixth generation. “Our department of technician of automation occupies to automate the machines and installations of production developed by our engineers. For us it is important to occupy us we same of these things. At least the 30 or 40% of the performance of an installation or machine bases nowadays in the integrated cheese cheese electronics equipment dealers equipment dealers, the technician of control and the automation”, adds Berthold Sudahl, boss of the department of robotics in Kraft Maschinenbau.

Robot Kuka model KR 100 PA
Robot Kuka model KR 100 PA.

Complexity and wit

In the year 2004, Kraft supplied an installation of manufacture of doors to a Swedish company of the sector. As a result of the high quality and the satisfaction with the service postventa, developed a second installation to measure very complex: an installation in which the doors visit all the stages of production. The installation, with a size of 100 x 30 metres, has of distinct sections of production and zones of hygiene: zone of load, area of mechanised, zone of manufacture of the leaf of door with mechanised back, application of plafones, put of storage, zone of withdrawal, system of transport, area of treatment of the surface of the leaf, angular stations of transfer and other a lot of components. In her they realise besides the encolado, the placing of the molduras, the twist and the placing of the plafón upper encolado and the transport of the smart leaf to the presses. “A demanding logistical process”, underlines Frank Zimmermann, Key Technology Manager in Kuka Roboter. “The robots of Kuka integrated cheese cheese in the installation create stations of flexible work that allow to produce batches of the size 1, all an advance if it takes into account the complexity of the process of production”.

Four robots of versatile application

In the installation employ three robots Kuka of the type KR 100 PA and KR 180 PA, each one of them instrumented with a harp and a distinct tool. Each one of the robots realises a distinct task that would result difficult or monotone for a worker: a robot of paletizado of Kuka collects, of a battery, the crossbars and testeros that form the frame and places them slightly bent in the entrance of a station of measurement so that it measure the alabeo of the same. “We place the packages of crossbars and testeros and the robot occupies to realise the measurement of form entirely automatic”, explains Berthold Sudahl. The robot of compact dimensions and slim harp is not mounted in the installation, by what can access easily to him for the cleaning and repair. For the robot of encolado loaned attention to that had a big scope and to the flexibility to the hour to apply the tail. “We do not squander tail and can adapt us of variable form to the appearance of any leaf of door”, explains Sudahl. The computer of control occupies to define the position, the number of units, the dimensions, the model, the staff of encolado, etc. The robot of paletizado of Kuka, that occupies to place the plafones inferior and place the molduras around, realises a hard work and monotone. The products are placed with accuracy by the robot. And all this with great rapidity: each minute produces a door.

When the leaf without mechanising goes out of the presses, the ironinging is transported to the fourth robot; this robot Kuka of six axles of the type KR 240 L180 takes the leaf of door of the horizontal position and places it right in the apilador, where remain until it cools , since the pressesing realises in hot. Once cooled, the same robot places the leaves of door again in horizontal position in the system of transport for the treatment of the singings. The leaf goes through a chapadora of singings IMA, where the chapado realises while it goes moving the leaf. The procedure repeats until all the singings remain chapados.

Finally proceeds to the taladrado and milling. The door goes in in the machine of mechanised CNC, where realise the taladros for the box of the lock, the pomo and the lock, as well as for the bisagras.

Robot Kuka model KR 180 PA
Robot Kuka model KR 180 PA.

Of Mastholte to the world

Another of the peculiarities of the installation Kraft is the fact to be able to realise a remote maintenance. If it produces a failure, the responsible technician can access to the unit of control that manages the production of the doors in Sweden. Like this it is possible to offer assistance immediately.

“Try at all times build our installations the most compact possible”, explains Sudahl. The leaf of door goes through a lot of individual stations. The material in the rough confluye in the installation. At the end of the process, the door embala and comisiona. The installation will work in Sweden in two turns. Berthold Sudahl Describe like this, which is the peculiarity of the installation of manufacture of doors: “I Think that we have integrated cheese cheese the robots to perfection in our production, and the reason to do it has been the flexibility of performance that contribute us. Try solve the tasks demanded with systems of conventional manipulation had been more complicated and costly. Besides, thanks to the robots, the adaptation to tasks or future modifications is 100% possible”.

Automate the installation completely

The robots assume monotone works, relieving to the workers. In this case, the decisive factor is not the rapidity of the installation. The peculiarity of this installation roots in his complexity without the same, in the mechanised of only pieces and in the possibility to mechanise each one of the leaves of door of distinct form. “This installation goes to amortise quickly”, ensures Berthold Sudahl. “And with the robots Kuka have of a flexible and innovative technician of which the customer will be able to take out provecho”.

Related Companies or Entities

Kuka Iberia, S.A.U.

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